View Full Version : Does swollen lymphnodes mean HIV?

20-07-16, 17:27
From what happened there was no penetration or fluid exchange. So I thought I didn't need to be worried. But the week of July 1st I got sick. On July 1st I had an appointment for something unresolved and got Lamasil. A pill. Took it that night and the next morning I woke up with a swollen lymphnode. Now it's been 3 weeks later and it's still there, it's gotten smaller but it's still there. Please help me id rather have anything else than HIV. I couldn't deal. I'm so scared. I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow, but I need comforting right now

20-07-16, 17:51
You have one swollen lymph node? Are you even sure it wasn't up before. I have about 15 nodes that I can feel at any time.

In any case, no - one swollen node is not likely to be HIV at all. They can flare up for anything, a cold, a virus , from being rubbed too much...

You also said there was literally no fluid exchange, therefore there is absolutely no chance of HIV transmission anyway!

20-07-16, 21:29
no penetration or fluid exchange.

= no HIV

Positive thoughts

21-07-16, 04:50

I think you would be wise to ask about help for what happened to you. You suffered something traumatic and this is going to be adding a lot to your anxiety.

For others, so they know:


I think you should consider speaking to a service that can help you with the assault. They can answer any questions you have about HIV anyway.

21-07-16, 23:20

I think you would be wise to ask about help for what happened to you. You suffered something traumatic and this is going to be adding a lot to your anxiety.

For others, so they know:

I think you should consider speaking to a service that can help you with the assault. They can answer any questions you have about HIV anyway. What kind of service?

22-07-16, 06:16
Like a crisis line that deals with victims of sexual assault. They could answer any questions on HIV from a medical point of view and hopefully guide you on getting help to get through this or just listen.