View Full Version : docs appointment outcome!

20-07-16, 19:42
Hi so today I was at the docs. Different doc to usual. I explained how long I had been on cit and at what doses. I told her that I was 7 days at 25mg . She was confused as to why I was on 25mg. I told her I was so scared of the horrible side affects and wanted to get to 30mg gradually. She said that really you wouldn't go to 30 and that you would go straight in at 40mg.. I was like really?? She said most people fully recover at 40mg but rarely at anything less. She said you may feel better than you did but not 100% till you reach 40mg. Anyways she was prepared to give me 30mg well 10mg and 20s and I have to go back in 4 week. She said the new 30 dose can take 6 to 8 weeks to work and that to save all the hassle of side affects just go straight in at 40mg. I said no 30mg please. She checked weight blood pressure and said I have put a stone on since January. . Great!! Back to slimming world I think. My pressure was fine. I also mentioned motivation and energy nil. She said been 2 st over weight won't help and also my body has been exhausted for such along time from the anxiety so it needs 2 years prob to repair. Anyways I felt quite positive cos she also said that 40mg is nowt and that at one time you could go up to 80mg. So 30mg coming up.. x

20-07-16, 20:03
Oh wow, really Polly? I thought 20mg was the therapeutic dose of citalopram? Well it all sounds very positive, and if she's right in what she says then no wonder so many of us are struggling with 20mgs!

Perhaps the 20 just gives us side effects but not much more? Anyway, I'm very pleased that you seem to have finally found a doctor who knows what they are talking about!

20-07-16, 20:22
I must admit i thought 20mg was a dose that would work but she said that it can help but very rare will you feel the real benefits.. anyways i will give the 30mg ago.. and hope to see more improvement.

20-07-16, 20:54
Good luck Polly!!! Keep us updated. I thought 20 was a therapeutic dose too. Maybe its good you were on 25mg for a few days it will help you ease into the 30mg better.

Curious to see if my doctor will say the same thing on Friday. I will let you know.

20-07-16, 21:41
ive read that it is the theraputic dose since getting back so not sure what she on about but i guess im not good at 20mg so may aswell increase. Thanks guys. Yeah let us know how you get on x

Bike Rider
21-07-16, 10:21
Hi Polly, I started on 20mg for 4 months, didnt help much so my G.P. who I trust and has always been a big help, put me straight up to 40mg, some side effects for 3-4 weeks but much better now. He wants me on them till at least Xmas and then we can chat about reducing. Only side effect now is feeling very tired if I am doing nothing.

21-07-16, 13:54
Thanks bike rider. Yes I'm exhausted most of time. . Anyways hopefully will get mojo back soon. Xx