View Full Version : Am I schizophrenic or am I just panicking

21-07-16, 02:37
Hi, I'm currently goin through hell with my brain. I have panic disorder and hypochondriasis. I recently met a girl who suffers from schizophrenia and so for the past 2 weeks, I've been feeling absolutely dreadful. I feel like I'm hearing noises that no one else can hear, but I'm too scared to ask if they can hear them too. I also have been having this problem that's been going on for years now, but is just now freaking me out. In my vision, things look kinda splotchy, like I can't explain it at all. It's kinda hard to describe. But I only notice it when I begin to panic. When I'm not focused on my anxiety, it's just not there. But I just want some reassurance that I'm not going crazy. I've been so depressed and I've been having such a hard time at work because all I can think about is if I'm schizophrenic.

21-07-16, 02:54
Let me be the first to tell you that you're not alone. I've gone through that feeling before many times. Mine was triggered because my friend had psychotic features with her bi polar disorder. I got to experinced it first hand and it was completely terrifying. I started googling and saw schizophrenia. Then I myself started to worry if that's what I was going to become. I started to panic and think "what if I start to have those thoughts" I started to question if I was hallucinating. I would have to ask people if they heard that noise for reassurance. It was awful. I begged my therapist to give me a diagnosis. She always laughed and told me it's anxiety. My doctor did the same thing. I still was so terrified I would surely lose my mind. I'm 17 and that is the perfect age range for schizophrenia and the worry would consume me. It's been a little over than a year that I've been obsessing over becoming schizophrenia and I can tell you with laughter that I'm not a schizophrenic haha. So no, long story short you're not showing any symptoms of Schizophrenia. More of anxiety and OCD, but I can't diagnose you only a professional can.

21-07-16, 03:01
Thanks so much dude, you might not be professional, but it's at least nice to know the I'm not alone

21-07-16, 03:02
I had a brother in law diagnosed schizophrenic, he did not recognize it in himself - ever.

No matter how bad he got, how dramatic his illness became, he thought he was totally normal.

21-07-16, 03:32
Exactly Nancy. The definition of "psychotic" is disconnection from reality. Your ability to be rational and question it shows that you're not disconnected. No matter if you feel disconnected (depersonalization) you're not actually disconnected. Hope this helps man, feel free to message me if you need.

21-07-16, 03:40
You do not have schizophrenia.You have an anxiety disorder. Very often anxiety convince themselves that they are schizophrenic. It comes from the racing thoughts. Which you are actually mistaking for voices or noises.

21-07-16, 04:44
You do not have schizophrenia.You have an anxiety disorder. Very often anxiety convince themselves that they are schizophrenic. It comes from the racing thoughts. Which you are actually mistaking for voices or noises.

And in OCD there is even a recognised theme for this.

We also need to remember that hearing voices doesn't indicate it alone anyway and neither do hallucinations. For instance, in sleep states it is a known phenomena to experience visual, auditory, olfactory, etc hallucinations.

And hypochondriasis is an old fashioned term that has been replaced by others. Some of these terms will likely fit to these fears about developing more serious illness, whether physical mental or both, such as the Somatoform Disorders (the US have different terms in their manual to the UK).

OP - you will find threads about this on the OCD board mostly but this thread on the HA board will link you up with some of them:


21-07-16, 04:57
I had a brother in law diagnosed schizophrenic, he did not recognize it in himself - ever.

No matter how bad he got, how dramatic his illness became, he thought he was totally normal.

Yep... When I was going through treatment, I had a bad reaction to the steroids they were giving me with the chemo. I was in psychosis. To me, I felt no different but my wife saw I was off and when I went for my infusion, the nurses saw something was amiss and psych was called in. They knew right away.

Thing is, I had no idea. I thought I was behaving normally when it was quite apparent to everyone else I wasn't. I have very little recollection of that time. They gave me some meds that helped bring me out of it.

Point being, If you "think" you're going crazy, you're not. One who is in true psychosis does not realize it.

Positive thoughts

21-07-16, 06:04
Yep... When I was going through treatment, I had a bad reaction to the steroids they were giving me with the chemo. I was in psychosis. To me, I felt no different but my wife saw I was off and when I went for my infusion, the nurses saw something was amiss and psych was called in. They knew right away.

Thing is, I had no idea. I thought I was behaving normally when it was quite apparent to everyone else I wasn't. I have very little recollection of that time. They gave me some meds that helped bring me out of it.

Point being, If you "think" you're going crazy, you're not. One who is in true psychosis does not realize it.

Positive thoughts
This is a good example to listen to. I had to remind myself this all the time when I was afraid of becoming psychotic. I'm glad you're doing better Fishmanpa. BTW does the "pa" in your name happen to stand for Pennsylvania? xD

21-07-16, 06:12
Wheni was studying psychology I had a lecturer that always used say: " a mad person never doubts their own sanity"

21-07-16, 06:26
BTW does the "pa" in your name happen to stand for Pennsylvania? xD

Yep :) It goes back to my very first email account. I lived in PA and love to fish.... I still have my original account and use it to this day. And yes, I'm doing just fine. 3+ years out and still NED :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

21-07-16, 07:37
Yep :) It goes back to my very first email account. I lived in PA and love to fish.... I still have my original account and use it to this day. And yes, I'm doing just fine. 3+ years out and still NED :yesyes:

Positive thoughts
Heh, small world. I also live in PA haha.