View Full Version : Got a scan today

21-07-16, 07:43
I've got to go for an ultrasound this morning as I've been having a few "women's" issues. I've got to drink 2 pints of water an hour before having the scan done, and I am going on my own as I don't have anyone to go with.

I'm really nervous, I feel sick and I'm shaking. Please wish me luck x

21-07-16, 08:57
Oh best of luck Mojo!

Sending hugs from New Zealand


21-07-16, 09:01
Good luck, Mojo. The sooner it's over the better. The waiting is horrible though. I got my results straightaway and I hope you do too.

21-07-16, 09:10
Good luck with it, Mojo. Although the thought of "women's" issues has me, like a lot of men, hiding...:sofa: (it's normally that time of the month we get shouted at for doing inconsiderate things like banging nails into walls :winks:)

I hope it all goes ok and it's not too nerve wracking.

21-07-16, 10:12
Good luck

When I was having abdominal problems/pains when I thought I had bowel cancer. I had to drink two pints of water before my ultrasound, I was scared that I was going to wet myself

21-07-16, 11:31
Thank you everyone for all your kind words and support.

Well, I had the scan done abdominally, and then (shut your ears Terry) I had an internal scan. She had a poker face throughout both procedures so I couldn't read anything into it. She seemed to take ages though poking and prodding around. Asked me a few questions about "women's things" and I said is something wrong and she said there's nothing of any major importance that concerns me, you have some fibroids but they are very common and a lot of women don't even know they have them. She said she would review the pictures she had taken and then send the full report to my doctor who should receive it in about a week or so. The dr will then contact me to discuss the results.

Again I asked her if there was anything for me to worry about and she said she couldn't see anything that concerned her unduly but dr will discuss with me. Then I asked her AGAIN (apologised for that one) and yet again she said she couldn't see anything that gave her cause for concern, I said no massive lump or anything? and she said "No, stop worrying!"

Make of that what you will, but of course I immediately went home and frightened myself stupid by consulting Professor Google!!!

21-07-16, 11:47
You should sack Prof. Google. All he ever brings is misery!

It'll be a long week, I'm sure, but no news is good news; in this case.

21-07-16, 11:59
So you don't think I should be too worried? I'm going into meltdown here, God only knows how I'm going to last another week!

21-07-16, 12:07
It is going to play on your mind until you hear something, but no I don't feel that there is much to worry about. She said there was nothing concerning her and she looks at these things all the time.

21-07-16, 12:16
I will tell you why I'm worried:

In January my neighbour started getting a pain in the back of his neck. He is a motor mechanic by trade and when he went to the doctor they told him he had probably strained his neck whilst working under the cars and gave him a prescription for Co-Codamol. Then the pain spread down to his shoulder and he couldn't move his arm; back to the dr he goes who said looks like a frozen shoulder and probably exacerbated by the neck problem. Said they would refer him for physio and just to rest it for the time being. Then a big lump came up in his neck swiftly followed by others on his back, chest, stomach and groin, still in agony with his neck and arm, by now he's on liquid morphine and it is the end of February. Doctor said it looks like cysts but just to be on the safe side they would send him for an MRI on his neck and an ultrasound on the lumps. Another 2 months go by and it is now April, he has been backwards and forwards to the dr and even to A&E twice because of the pain, lack of appetite, nausea, weight loss....still nobody puts 2 and 2 together and still he's suffering. Then a blood test comes back - dangerously low iron levels in the blood and very high calcium levels; a repeat blood test is ordered.

Eventually an appointment comes through for the neck MRI - a full 12 weeks after the referral - the sonographer does the scan and Bob asks him if he can see anything wrong and the guy says sorry but we aren't allowed to discuss any results with you, all I can say is that this scan needs to go upstairs to our consultant urgently and your doctor will call you. Obviously Bob is worried sick, but the whole weekend goes by and he thinks well no news is good news, then on the Monday morning at 9am the doctor phones him and says "It's not good news I'm afraid. You have what's called a pathological fracture in your neck and it could be caused by cancer" An ambulance is called and they put Bob in a neck collar and cart him off straight up to London to King's College Hospital where it is discovered that he has primary lung cancer stage 4 and it has spread to his bones and lymph nodes. He's given 6 months to live. He is 56.....

THAT'S why I'm concerned!!!

---------- Post added at 12:16 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ----------

It is going to play on your mind until you hear something, but no I don't feel that there is much to worry about. She said there was nothing concerning her and she looks at these things all the time.

Thank you! I'm trying to remain calm and using my CBT technique of rational reasoning.

21-07-16, 12:44
So you don't think I should be too worried?

Question. How many times did you ask the tech actually doing the test and what did she say? That's TOTALLY different than the tech avoiding your questions! And...Why are you asking strangers on an internet anxiety forum when you have the good word right from the horses mouth so to speak? :)

Positive thoughts

21-07-16, 12:49
sorry but we aren't allowed to discuss any results with you, all I can say is that this scan needs to go upstairs to our consultant urgently and your doctor will call you

This would ring massive alarm bells with me. The fact they said it needs to go to the consultant urgently.

The person who dealt with you specifically said stop worrying. They wouldn't say anything had they seen anything bad. I know it's hard and I wasn't there and nor am I in your position, but as an outsider looking in it all looks pretty safe to me

Hope this next week flies over for you.
I had a relative with cancer and they were told the same day.

21-07-16, 12:58
Question. How many times did you ask the tech actually doing the test and what did she say? That's TOTALLY different than the tech avoiding your questions! And...Why are you asking strangers on an internet anxiety forum when you have the good word right from the horses mouth so to speak? :)

Positive thoughts

3 times I asked her and 3 times she replied nothing to unduly concern her :blush:

I know, I guess I just wanted a bit of reassurance from people who understand what a b****** this health anxiety malarkey can be. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

This would ring massive alarm bells with me. The fact they said it needs to go to the consultant urgently.

The person who dealt with you specifically said stop worrying. They wouldn't say anything had they seen anything bad. I know it's hard and I wasn't there and nor am I in your position, but as an outsider looking in it all looks pretty safe to me

Hope this next week flies over for you.
I had a relative with cancer and they were told the same day.

Thank you KeeKee :hugs:

21-07-16, 13:14
What has happened to your neighbour is terrible, it's one of those occasions that seems to poke a great big hole in everything for a HA person.

BUT let's not forget about all the people who had the same symptoms as him and took some painkillers, anti inflammatory meds or had some physio and now are fine.

My GF's mum has lung cancer, the form that smoker's get yet she has never smoked. So, it's very uncommon. Countrygirl's friend is in the same boat. It's scary to hear this can happen because it means it can happen to anyone, like your neighbour, but the reality is that the overwhelming majority of non smokers dont get it. So, we somehow have to make our peace with that so that we don't spend our lives worrying about it.

So, apply the same logic. How many women have problems down there at some point and have an ultrasound & exam? Now how many of them end up with nothing or something easily dealt with, none of which are cancer?

(And as regards the poker face, I think I would be desperately trying to refrain from smiling or frowning if I had another man's love spuds in my hand at the time! :winks:)

21-07-16, 14:02
Lol Terry "Love spuds" :roflmao:

I understand what you are saying about my neighbour. After all, if the NHS sent every person who presented with neck pain straight for an urgent MRI scan they'd be bankrupt within a month I would think. However, the appearance of numerous lumps, the weight loss, the nausea, surely that would have set alarm bells ringing with one of the many doctors he saw? Even I thought it looked terribly suspicious and I'm not medically trained!

He was a non smoker too. The dr said it could be caused by his line of work as a garage mechanic and car body repairer.

21-07-16, 14:32
Just as an affirmation...

I have a lump in my lower back. It's been there for ages but a couple of months ago it started hurting. With my history, I had an ultrasound done. When I went, I told the tech what was going on as well as my concerns. She did the exam and said in her opinion, it looked like a lipoma. She then said "Hang on a few" and left the room. She went and had a doctor look at it and came back and affirmed her opinion. The official results and report concurred.

On the other hand, When I was going through the diagnostic process with my cancer and had the CT w/contrast done as well as the PET scan etc. I voiced my concerns and got the avoidance routine from the tech.

Bottom, line, you're good... I'd bet my next paycheck on it!

Positive thoughts

21-07-16, 14:53
The tech has experience. Obviously if they had seen something unusual they would have reported it immediately . You would not be waiting a week if the scan was untoward. You would be referred immediately. Relax

22-07-16, 06:19
Lol Terry "Love spuds" :roflmao:

I understand what you are saying about my neighbour. After all, if the NHS sent every person who presented with neck pain straight for an urgent MRI scan they'd be bankrupt within a month I would think. However, the appearance of numerous lumps, the weight loss, the nausea, surely that would have set alarm bells ringing with one of the many doctors he saw? Even I thought it looked terribly suspicious and I'm not medically trained!

He was a non smoker too. The dr said it could be caused by his line of work as a garage mechanic and car body repairer.

Yes, it should have set alarm bells ringing I would have thought. But sadly these things do happen. I know the HA board is a place where this is often played down but cases like that can be seen in the media. They are rare though because these cases bring in investigations with them and attract the press so we would know if they were more common.

But I think you have to look at your situation and not allow bias to creep in from such things.