View Full Version : 25 female from Slovakia here

21-07-16, 10:34
Hello there! I'm looking for pm/email/facebook pen pal from anywhere in the world. I suffer with agoraphobia and panic attacks. As I am also very socially anxious, I am scared of skyping right now but I would like to overcome that too at some point. Anybody interested in talking, sharing experiences, tips and maybe planning exposures together? Please send me pm if you are :)

01-09-16, 12:16
Hey, I have FB, we can chat if you want to :)

18-09-16, 21:54
Hi kendra,

I am a recovered agoraphobic, still suffer from panic attacks but much much better than I used to be...

I found talking to other people on this site really helpful.... PM me if you fancy chatting about your experiences!

Hope you're doing ok at the moment!