View Full Version : Feeling faint during a panic attack

21-07-16, 16:48
Hi there! Every time when I was about to get a panic attack, I will start to get the fainting spells..it felt as though I was really gonna faint but it never really happen.. The only thing that can make me feel slightly better was to drink some water or take some sweet or eat even though my sugar level is fine. Has anyone experience such things? Are that any solutions to this fainting spells? It's really very annoying! Also, does anyone face turn pale during a panic attack?

24-07-16, 08:58
Hi there! I feel very dizzy everytime when panicking too. I think it is very common for people with panic attacks. When you freak out, your oxygen-rich blood is going from your head to your muscles or something like that and therefore you feel like fainting. I find this to be the scariest symptom of panic. I don't know if there is any solution for that. Just keep your water bottle at hand in any case but you should not faint- it is not possible when you heart is beating so fast.... and keep working on your panic attacks. Good luck!