View Full Version : Panic attacks when travelling!?

21-07-16, 17:27
I've finally figured what causes some of my panic attacks, travelling!

I am learning to drive, which is great but I'm not quite there yet and I still have to travel by bus or train.

It's not the people that I am terrified about, I envision something awful happening, something that essentially kills me and leaves my children without a mum (then I delve into the whole would they even remember me) and get very worked up or I envision a tradegdy where myself and my children die, without them even being able to live their life. It's awful!

I no longer travel anywhere! I miss hospital appointments and everything just to get out of travelling. I can not cope and no one realises the full extent of how bad this is. It's one of my worst panic attacks, just sitting here and writing this is causing me to hyperventilate.

Am I on my own here?