View Full Version : Mole + Muscle ache

21-07-16, 23:32
Hello all, 21 year old white male with a long history of health anxiety here.
I've been a roamer on this website, but this new 'symptom' of mine is really making me worry.

The other day I noticed a mole on my leg, very small, no larger than a pencil eraser (at least when I checked the other day), however I'm not sure if it's grown or changed or if I've had this mole for a long time or if it's just appeared now after this hot weather we're having.

I noticed two small dark patches within the mole, and again.. I don't know if they've always been there.
It's basically just a small, weirdly coloured mole, which of course, makes me think a little too much.

However, I've started developing muscle aches in my leg near the mole (not directly under the mole but near it). It's only a mild ache, and it might be from all the walking around I've been doing lately.

However, when I try to google 'mole and muscle ache' I just find articles and pages about melanoma, and it just sets my anxiety going.

I'll ring a GP as soon as I can to get some peace of mind, but it just feels like everything is pointing to skin cancer and it freaks me out so much.
Anyone else had a weirdly coloured mole with muscle pain and found it to be nothing?

Update: just checked the mole and it feels pretty dry.. Not hard or scratchy or anything, just a bit dry.. Probably going to ring 111 now seeing as the gp is closed

22-07-16, 15:36
I can relate to this, as I checked out two moles with my surgery this week. They said that if it was round, not weirdly shaped, and didn't have any bleeding or scabbing, it didn't need investigation, but they advised me to take regular pictures of the moles, so I had evidence of any changes.

I think it's very unlikely that the muscle ache is related to the mole (it might be that you keep tensing your leg when you're thinking about the mole!) but I hope 111 could reassure you.

22-07-16, 17:19
Thanks for the reply

Yeah it's not scabby or bleeding, but it doesn't look round to me and it has a few darker patches in it.
However, it is pretty small.. I'd say about 4mm

111 didn't really help, they just said the usual 'book a gp appointment' which I have now done.

The main worry now is that my appointment is in 3 weeks, and if the mole is something to worry about, will it be too late by the time I have my appointment?

But I feel a bit calmer now, I'd say I'm about 50/50

25-09-16, 18:32
Can you tell me what the outcome was? I have the same symptoms as you - new mole popped up, part of it dark brown and another part light, constant muscle pain near the mole. Thanks.