View Full Version : Why is something ALWAYS wrong with me?

22-07-16, 02:41
It started last summer I felt stuff in my throat, felt weird gurgling in my chest and I thought it was lung cancer. I spent my entire summer absolutely miserable. Then something else would come up, I would think the worst, then something else, it never stops! Some of the stuff can't just be in my mind, I'm starting to think my body is just completely shutting down or something. Literally as soon as I stop worrying about one thing another thing is right behind it and I can't help but assume the worst. I just want it to stop but it's completely out of my control. I was terrified a month ago about a hump in my neck, somehow I managed to convince myself it was a brain tumor. Now my period is late, I'm scared of ovarian cancer or cervical cancer. Now I think I have colon cancer too. I seriously can't do this anymore!! Something has to be wrong with me, I know I always think I'm dying but the symptoms are so real! I try to take comfort in the fact that since I'm 16 a lot of these things would be incredibly rare, yet I think I would be that one person in a million to have it. I really feel so stupid. I can't even talk about it with my friends anymore, nobody will take me seriously anymore. How could I blame them? Literally every week it's something new with me but each time I tell myself this time it's real! And it never is. I feel so hopeless this completely ruins me

22-07-16, 02:53
You actually do have something wrong going on with you. It's called Health Anxiety and like physical illnesses, it can be treated.

Speak to your doctor ask for a referral for therapy and discuss the possibility of meds to help in the short term.

Treating the real illness will also teat the symptoms you feel and imagine.

Positive thoughts

22-07-16, 08:52
I understand you completely. With me being 17 I feel like I can't relate to my friends when it comes to these worries. It sucks it really does. I always think the worst possible thing is happening to me. I get slight aches or pains and just lose it.