View Full Version : Don't know where to turn

22-07-16, 07:04
Hi guys,

So I feel I need to open up about my anxiety issues. I say anxiety but I've never actually been 'diagnosed' as such. I've never seeked medical advice for anxiety alone (if it is anxiety), only when it's been brought up by my many visits to the doctors.

So I'm a worrier. I always have been for as long as I remember, I worry about everything from loosing friends to loosing my job, however over the past few years my primary worry is about my health. I've convinced myself I have a number of different illness's, all prompt by one symptom or another.

I have good and bad phases but at the minute I don't feel myself and I'm very concerned. It's all I think about, it's the first thing I think of when I wake up, the first words out of my mouth and I even dream that i've been diagnosed. I google my symptoms every chance I get, in the supermarket, at work, in the gym. I knew I needed help when I found myself planning how I was going to tell my family that i'm dying mid a gym class.

Basically I've suffered from headaches for a long time, but most recently they have been worse and I've been feeling especially down. I feel tired, lethargic, empty, lack concentration and struggle to focus. I have no motivation to do anything - everything seems to much effort. One minute I feel better and positive and the next I'm back to my old ways. Over the past few days my heart has been beating especially fast and it's all I can think about. I feel like i'm slowly going down hill.

The difficult thing is I'm currently oversea's travelling, which means I'm never in one place for long so it's difficult to get help. I often think about packing it all in and getting on a plane home, however i'm travelling with my partner and don't want to ruin our wold trip because of my issues. I'm currently waiting to see a specialist to see if my current symptoms are serious, however in the meantime I decided I need to find help. Whether they are life threatening or not - I can't spend my life thinking like this.

This is what lead me to signing up to this site and already i've found comfort in other peoples stories and knowing I'm not alone when it comes to this!

Any advice would be appreciated.


22-07-16, 20:20

I think that it's difficult to pin point your anxiety on a specific thing, as the range of symptoms you get can trigger your anxiety. Is there anything specific that you feel causes it? Are you worried about something in particular? No matter how small it may seem? Money worries, health of a loved one?

When you said "you're seeing a specialist", what kind of specialist? This might give us clues as to what area your worried about.
