View Full Version : 10mg

22-07-16, 08:38
So I've been on 10mg cit for 11 weeks now and I do feel loads better than I was but still not 100%. I don't wake up with the awful morning anxiety much anymore just the odd day just feel more down these past few days I'm hoping it's the heat as I really can't be bothered to do anything. Would anyone recommend me going upto 20mgs to see how it goes or should I stay on 10mg I still get the intrusive thoughts but learning to deal with them the best I can there not as strong as they were and I don't get much anxiety with them now but if I upped to 20 will they get worse? Just wanna feel normal again and I do have days where I do but want more of them any advice helps xx

22-07-16, 11:20
Hi Becky
I have been on 20mg for 7 weeks. I believe 20mg is the therapeutic dose? The jump from 10 to 20 wasn't noticeable but I also believe it can take a while to work. I am better but also not 100%.

22-07-16, 11:31
Hi Becky. I was on 10mg for 3 months and at first it helped but then the effects wore off and my doctor suggested going up to 20 as that is the therapeutic dose. I've been on 20mg for almost 3 weeks now, not noticed much difference tbh but it is early days. I was worried about getting the side effects again with the increase but to be honest it didn't happen, well if it did the effects were too subtle for me to notice them. If 10mg has helped but you still don't feel 100% then why not try 20?

22-07-16, 11:37
I'm a little scared to go up to 20mg with the thoughts I'm getting I don't want them to get any worse than they have been and also the side affects that goes with upping I just have no energy today xx

22-07-16, 13:31
hi, My doc told me that 10mg was no use no ornament and to get up t 20mg as soon as. she since told me that ideally she would want me at 40mg to become 100% better but i have told her i will go to 30mg first and see how i feel. Docs all tell you different things but i guess if you are not right at 10mg give 20 ago.. i wasnt right at 10 or 20 so now up to 30.. damn anxiety!!

22-07-16, 13:39
Don't be frightened of the increase Becky. It is obvious that 10mg isn't cutting the mustard if you are still getting the intrusive thoughts, so going up to 20 might well sort that issue out. You will never know if you don't try, and you can always drop back down to 10 again if you want to.