View Full Version : Tumor Question

22-07-16, 13:19
Would brain tumor headaches come and go? Or any kind of tumor pain for that matter? Just trying to educate myself without going to Dr. Google, because it will be even more of a downhill if I do that. Thanks!

Gary A
22-07-16, 13:29
Headaches caused by a brain tumour tend to be worse in the morning. They're seldom relenting altogether, most are simply made worse by exertion and things like that.

Headaches alone are very rarely a sign of a brain tumour, there are far far more common causes. Headaches account for a lot of Doctor visits, it's one of the most common symptoms in medicine, but brain tumours are exceptionally rare.

22-07-16, 14:47
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

If a tumor has grown to a point of causing pain or discomfort, it would bit relent.

Positive thoughts

22-07-16, 14:59
Thank you for replying. I just have this one spot on my forehead on the right side where my hair line starts and it has been hurting and causing me to want to squint. But it went away for like a week and then it came back. I also have stuffy nose cough watery eye on that side. It doesn't hurt when I blow my nose but it does when I cough. But since it went away and came back im trying to convince myself and rationalize that it's probably my anxiety and sinuses rather than a brain tumor!