View Full Version : What the hell!!!

22-07-16, 15:38
What the hell is going on with me, I was at work minding my own business when all of a sudden out of the blue I have a bad anxiety attack, what is that all about, it feels like the anxiety is winning the battle right now.

22-07-16, 15:59
Don't worry August, I think a lot of people get anxiety attacks completely out of the blue. I've only actually had them in the beginning of my anxiety, they woke me up through the night and it was a massive shock as until then, I wasn't an anxious person.
Not saying it will work for everybody, but I was given Propranolol. I've never had a single panic attack since I started taking them (this was March '13 and i stopped taking all meds in April '14, still haven't had anymore panic attacks although there's been rare occasions where I've come close).

22-07-16, 16:31
I used to premeditate my panic attacks then as I got control of them they started to appear out the blue it really is like the devil living inside ya imho feeds itself

22-07-16, 19:02
Hi August,

I'm exactly the same although i wake up with anxiety. Somehow go to work all dizzy then it passes and at some point out of nowhere it comes again and I don't know what to do. Same as KeeKee, I was prescribed Propanolol as my doctor said they'll help me with the symptoms and thus my brain will be put at ease. Forums like this and people who are here with the same experiences and ready to listen to you will help - I found this having a calming effect.

22-07-16, 19:38
theres still a negative thought pattern at work for all of us though I believe very difficult to get off that train once it starts

23-07-16, 08:17
But I'm not like a grouchy person or anything and I'm not depressed. I used to get them through the night and would wake up feeling like if I moved I would pass out but it would pass but now it's wormed it's way into my day I'm just thinking what if it keeps getting worse, I'm not stressing about it but still it's a bit annoying when I don't know why I'm getting them. Thanks for the advice, I'm really not wanting to have to take meds though.

25-07-16, 19:43
Hello august you've just said yourself you keep thinking what if? That's the thought pattern feeding the process, my dad gets told he has high bp and tbh he doesn't give a toot, he's just been on holiday with my mom loving life, if that makes sense

25-07-16, 22:12
But I don't get why it's here in the first place, I'm not like a worrier or scared or unhappy or anything and nothing huge had happened except like 7 years ago I saved my mams life but it didn't start then so I can't see that being a trigger. Do you think maybe stuff you don't worry about when you're awake worries you when you're asleep? Then makes its way into your day?