View Full Version : Mid back pain - so worried, please help!

22-07-16, 17:18
I am worrying myself sick - just so scared. I have been suffering from mid-upper back pain now for about 3-4 weeks. The pain comes and goes, but seems to have got progressively worse and at times feels hard to bear. It is a deep aching pain that moves around somewhat - and also changes when I change position - eg. sitting to standing or slouching to sitting up. It is always better for lying down and never troubles me at night. HOWEVER, when I google mid back pain, the results are horrible - I am scared stiff of some kind of cancer and the scare stories are terrifying. It seems that low back pain is common, but mid-upper back pain less common and can be a red flag for disease. I keep trying to reassure myself that I do not have any other signs of malignancy - eg. fatigue, weight loss, fevers, general malaise, but the pain is so worrying. I am just convinced I'm going to die and leave my two young children - I am only 42 and otherwise in pretty good health. Please please help - so scared.

22-07-16, 17:33
I've been suffering with back aches for the last 10 years (lower back and mid back ) I have suffered with sciatica from the lower back and neck problems from the middle - upper back problems along with chronic burning sensations from time to time which I've been told is due to nerve damage and muscle knots I'm always in constant need of cracking my middle - upper back maybe 6-7 times a day. What you have described sounds like a trapped nerve problem which releases pressure on the nerves in certain positions. Its got to a point with me that I have put the pain at the back of my mind and live everyday with it. I would suggest having a physio or chiropractor have a look at it to not only try to fix whatever problem you have but to stop any long term problems. Oh and take it from me do not google any symptoms its the worst thing you can do. All the best