View Full Version : throat anxiety

22-07-16, 18:25

So long story, but I am 8 weeks pregnant with twins (first pregnancy, much wanted). I was hospitalised 4 weeks ago for a complication which came as a bit of a shock.

Since then I have had constant HA. I am also very anxious about losing my babies (I've had 5 losses in the past).

I think I am focusing on the health anxiety to distract from my fear of loss. Does anyone else do this?

My health anxiety revolves around my slightly sore throat. I'm concerned about throat cancer... I have long term cervical hpv problems and am currently on masses of immume suppressing drugs. These things are whipping into a worry wort... I should be completely concerned with my babies, but I'm worried about my throat as well. Help.


23-07-16, 19:33
No-one can empathise? Xxx

23-07-16, 19:54
There is absolutely nothing wrong with worrying about yourself as well as your pregnancy. I have Health Anxiety and it literally only manifests in myself, not my daughter or my partner, just me.
It's also understandable you are worried about your pregnancy, especially given it's still early days. I can't really empathise with that though as when I was pregnant with my daughter I didn't get a single worry throughout my pregnancy except the actual giving birth (turns out I needed a c section glad I didn't think about it beforehand as I never had much time to worry!), but many people worry when they become pregnant.
Sore throats are no doubt very common this time of the year given the heat, if I don't stay hydrated I get a disgustingly dry mouth and I know some people get a sore throat when their mouths go dry.
Congrats on the pregnancy, I hope it all goes smoothly for you

25-07-16, 20:39
Thank you keekee. It's good to know you had a good pregnancy.

I'm really stressing myself out big time. My throat is dry and sore, by left ear is now blocking up and has that pressure feeling. I have classic health anxiety but that's coupled with the anxiety of the effect of the anxiety on my babies. I just want to lay in bed and cry.

I'm on masses of medication at the moment to sustain this pregnancy... including high doses of steroids which I suspect are not helping me.

I'm going to the dr on Wednesday. ��