View Full Version : Need to know there are people like me out there

22-07-16, 19:19
Need a little help. So this week I started feeling feverish and getting the chills. My appetite is down too. Of course to most people it sounds like a fly but to me I have cancer and am dying. Anyone ever wrestle with feelings like this?

22-07-16, 19:54
Yes, especially lately. Every little ache or pain I get must surely be linked to something sinister! However I also need to realise that I am currently being hyper aware of EVERYTHING my body is going through at the moment when in the past I probably wouldn't even have noticed or wouldn't have bothered with even giving it a thought and a lot of it is cause by anxiety! I need to remind myself that I am making myself ill (mentally and the stress brings on physical symptoms), take a deep breath and focus on something else.