View Full Version : Brain zaps?

23-07-16, 02:12
For the past few days I've been feeling these weird head sensations especially when I'm walking. I don't know this is actually a brain zap (I think I had a few of those last year but I don't really remember what it felt like). The only way I can describe it as this random jolt feeling or like that feeling you get when you have a heart palpitation except in this case it's in my head. I hope I'm making sense. I'm wondering if I just imagined it. I don't know if I'm being hypersensitive. I have noticed that when I'm walking and obsessing about that feeling in my head it's seems to happen more. Also I did run out of Zoloft a few days ago. It was a low dose prescription 25 mg.

23-07-16, 02:25
The brain zaps are a normal side effect from withdrawal of SSRI meds. They should ease over time. They aren't nice but once you know what they are there's nothing to worry about.

23-07-16, 02:41
Oh okay. I guess that makes sense I didn't have problems like this when I was still taking the pill. Hopefully, I can get a refill in a couple days.

23-07-16, 05:19
Brain zaps are a very common withdrawal side effect as Shaz says. You are currently going cold turkey so side effects are more likely than with a taper.

Are there any emergency methods for this? Over here we can just go to any pharmacist who will assess if a short course should be supplied, which is usually the case with meds like antidepressants since we can't just stop them.

I'm just wondering whether you can get them any quicker? The med is being eliminated and it will be under having any clinical effect after for 6-7 days for this med (I would have to check for the exact timescale). Then going back up may mean slightly more pronounced side effects with you starting from scratch. Getting a new dose sooner would mean less upheaval for you.

23-07-16, 06:20
I get brain zaps,but not coming off any drugs.Could it be the Avanza I am taking.

23-07-16, 06:37
I get brain zaps,but not coming off any drugs.Could it be the Avanza I am taking.

You can get them when adjusting doses too. So, if you've been doing that, it will likely be the Mirt. If you never had them before the med, it's usually the med or the med making the anxiety worse so that symptoms are from more heightened states of anxiety.

23-07-16, 06:42
I didn't think I was anxious Terry! I am feeling quite relaxed.

23-07-16, 07:04
Well you would definitely know if you were, so maybe just something off the med?

I've only had them withdrawing. I can remember them being like a guitar string going 'TWANG' in my head.

23-07-16, 08:55
Spose it is the meds,it does feel like what you say,felt just like that.

23-07-16, 22:00
I have had them off and on for 3 years....no meds at all ever, so they started and not bc of any withdrawals. I notice them more when I have low blood sugar, and also notice that my anxiety is also more prominent when I do not eat good proteins...so I personally wonder if it is all related.

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ----------

This helped me a lot when I had them


---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

This really helped me to understand them


23-07-16, 23:10
Thank-you for the information,i feel more comfortable knowing it is stress related.

23-07-16, 23:44
I got brain zaps for 2 months +. After I cold turkeyed from valium. Never got them before or since.

I did not know what they were, so couldn't Google.
It was short sharp searing bursts of pain in my head.
They happened up to 10 times per day, then gradually lessened over two months
So perhaps it happens with all meds?