View Full Version : advice please

23-07-16, 15:59
The past few days ive been feeling sick,abit lightheaded,keep having hot sweats all the time going to tiolet alot for a wee,this morning the nausea woke me up and heaving and now I've got earache and I don't know if all these symtoms can be just from anxiety as my anxiety has been quite bad the past few days, I have H/A as well so these symtoms isn't helping my anxiety I don't want to keep running to go to doctors or walkin centre like I usually as I do, as i always get myself so worked up when i get symtoms,so i thought id ask on here to see if these symtoms can be just anxiety or should i go and see my gp .

24-07-16, 15:39
Just thought id update my post as I didn't get a reply about my symtoms and because I was worried and because thro the night I had pains in my stomach and back so I ended up foning put of hours doctors this morning and they arranged to pick me up and take me to lthe walk in centre to see a gp to get checked over I don't like going in cars or any public transport and I got myself in a right panic because I knew I was having to go and travel in the car to get there and even thought about foning them back up and cancelling the appointment because I was to scared but I didn't and in the end I went and checked over I did feel so anxious my legs felt like jelly and weak and I felt awful but I was proud of myself I done it but when I got home I felt so drained and tired and my legs still feel really aching, and now I'm thinking why do I feel this way now,so wat id like to ask is it normaly to feel this way afterwards.

24-07-16, 18:06
It is when you have an anxiety disorder, Tricia.

24-07-16, 19:21
Hi , I get most of these symptoms at times and like you a get the urge to go to the docs , I've been stressing in the heat the last week and it's really took it out on me , I ache and feel like crap for days after a stressful time , when it passes you know for next time it is was anxiety and it gets worse no shame in going back to the docs , take care