View Full Version : I need to get this out

23-07-16, 17:38
So I am writing this post more as a rant because I can’t keep things bottled up anymore. I guess I am also looking for some reassurance.

Around three months ago I went through another period of severe anxiety after problems at work. I managed to get over this after a couple of weeks and this aspect of my life is better than ever now. About 6 weeks ago I work up with a severe stabbing pain in my right kidney. It really freaked me out but it went away after a couple of hours. For the next week I felt rotten and then one day I went to the toilette and there was blood in my urine. Panic does not even begin to explain how I felt. It turned out to be Kidney stones that had become trapped in the tube but before that I stupidly looked on Google and the ‘C’ word is the first thing that came up. I have since had two blood tests, 2 CT scans and a flexible cystoscopy.

Although I take a few different meds for anxiety the hospital thought it was a good idea to put me on 30/500 mg of co-codamol at a rate of two four times a day. Last week I had another CT scan and now they tell me that the stones have passed. I am a bit sceptical because one was 8mm and the other was 6mm and I thought I would have noticed passing them. So a week ago I dramatically reduced down my co-codamol intake to one 30 mg tablet a day and after two days I woke up with severe chest pain. I am used to dealing with chest pain because of the anxiety but this felt different so I went to the hospital and they initially took my vitals and said that my heart rate was high so they put me on an ECG. I caught a glimpse of the ECG printout and it looked steady and normal. They had no cause for concern of any cardiac issues and did not even feel the need to take blood. Instead I was sent to an out of hours GP and he said I was having some Gastro issues.

So I made the conclusion that I reduced the codeine far too quickly and it was giving me some adverse effects. I talked to my GP a few days later and he suggested very gradually tapering them down. By this point for some reason I had convinced myself that either I have the ‘C’ word and it has gone missed or I have some cardiac issues and they missed them too. I guess because I have felt unwell for 6 or more weeks that I convinced myself it must be something more sinister because I still feel crappy. The GP checked my blood results and CT scan himself and he said everything looked ok.

Now I am left asking myself, is this just anxiety from being ill in the first place and the fact I have been pumped full of drugs for a month? OR is it more likely that the hospital/GP has missed something and I am in fact suffering from the ‘C’ word / cardiac issues?

I am a 29 year old male who is slightly overweight and smokes. Surely they would have an idea if there was something seriously wrong with me?

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this post.