View Full Version : I can not do this anymore!

23-07-16, 21:33
So picture this!

Sat drinking a cup of tea, watching tele and next to my 4 month old daughter sleeping soundly and suddenly I get a panic attack out of nowhere!
There is absolutely no reason for one, but yet is happening yet again. I'm completely fed up! This is happening more and more and nothing I do can help. There is no trigger, I'm feeling awful and mentally exhausted.

After this panic attack, it's left me really nervous with me thinking about all the bad things in life that may happen. My mind pictures horrible visions of my two children getting hurt, or my youngest having sudden infant death and I'm sat here writing this crying whilst trying to keep a panic attack at bay.

I'm going to my doctors Tuesday because I've been off my meds for the last year but I can't imagine my life being the same ever again even with medication. I truly feel insane. I'm constantly plagued by awful thoughts, thoughts which make me sit up at night, sobbing into my pillow.

I'm starting to feel as though this is far too much, I'd rather go bury myself away and forget about all these horrible thoughts but I can't. I'm terrified of these thoughts, how can I stop them!

23-07-16, 22:14
I know what you mean. I got hit with a panic attack in the middle of the night out of nowhere 2 weeks ago after a year of little to no anxiety and now the last 2 weeks have been a living hell.
I just have to believe that the bad times will pass and there will be a peak again. Just know you aren't alone.

23-07-16, 23:07
Hi , with a new daughter you must be tired out my daughters are grown up now but it's never easy being a parent , when I get tired that's when the anxiety creeps back in , your tired mind will also play tricks and come up with the worst possible scenarios , it will pass and get easier with time , see what the doc says and maybe talking to another mum might help it's not easy for anyone and a stressful time , take care and make sure you look after you as well as baby .

24-07-16, 03:09
I think what you are feeling is stress. You said it yourself...you're feeling awful and mentally exhausted. You think it's the panic attacks causing that feeling. I think it might be the other way around. You are carrying a bit of a load with two children. Your hormones are most likely askew. Hang in there. I'll bet you are a terrific mom. See your doc. You will get through this.
