View Full Version : Please help, hypochondriac worried sick about TSS (toxic shock syndrome)

23-07-16, 23:55
Hi everyone,
So I'm new here, I suffer from health anxiety, every week I have a new deadly illness I focus on and convince myself I really must have it until proven otherwise.
My huge worry right now is because of a stupid mistake I made today. Sorry if it's TMI.
I have to get my period but I'm not sure when it'll come, and so instead of wasting pads, I decided to just fold up toilet paper as a makeshift pad since I'm not bleeding yet anyway.
I left it on for a few hours and when I went to the bathroom last time I can see it shredded a bit, and half of one of the pieces of toilet paper was completely gone. So I've assumed it must have gone up my vag since I can't locate it.
If half a square of toilet paper did indeed go up there, would I get toxic shock syndrome??
I'm absolutely convinced I have it now :weep:
Any answers would be so appreciated

24-07-16, 00:22
TSS is incredibly rare. We're only so aware of it because it's on every tampon box in existence but you know why that is? To cover the company's back. Yes, it's possible to get TSS from wearing a tampon for too long, so logically that piece of tissue should be able to cause it too, but the odds are low. I've even read about women who've accidentally left tampons in for days and are fine. TSS also tends to come on very suddenly and severely, so you'd know for sure if you had it or not (that didn't sound too reassuring, but it was supposed to be, promise!) Also, it's probably far more likely that piece of tissue just ripped off and fell by accident. Things don't tend to get permanently stuck 'up there' without you feeling it.