View Full Version : Week 3 on increase - not doing very well

24-07-16, 07:00
Yesterday marked 3 weeks since I upped from 10mg to 20 and I feel awful. The past few nights I've not been able to sleep at all well, I don't seem to feel physically tired although mentally I'm exhausted. Then when I do drift off I wake up again a few hours later and am unable to get back to sleep again so I lay in bed until it is time to get up tossing and turning and ruminating about why I'm not improving.

Added to that are the awful physical symptoms; dry mouth, no appetite again, a jittery, nervous feeling in my stomach all day long, headache, nausea, no motivation, no energy. I just want it all to stop, I've truly had enough now and this is torture.

Do I just need to ride it out or what?

24-07-16, 08:19
Sorry to hear you're not feeling any better. Maybe it will settle down when you get the results of your scan?

It's very tiresome isn't it?

24-07-16, 08:30
Apparently if you increase the meds it goes back to 4-6 before improvement. As many people have said to me stop thinking about trying to get better. Let it take its course. Set yourself a daily goal no matter how small. Get up go for a walk just round the block. Try the headspace app it is helpful and relaxing. I am 7 weeks on 20mg and am 50% better than I was just letting in take its time. You will look back at this in 6 months and wonder what all the fuss was.

24-07-16, 08:50
Do you really think so Andy? It feels like I've gone backwards since the increase but I know these things take time and I think I can wait if I know it is going to get better.

I do try to carry on as normal, but the horrible feeling is always in the background and it is so difficult to ignore because it feels so physical. My head is killing me and I've never had headaches before and the lack of sleep isn't helping at all (at one point I was sleeping for about 6 hrs but now it is more like 3 and I'm exhausted)

I'm just so despondent and fed up with it all. I've forgotten what it is like to wake up feeling normal and looking forward to the day ahead, and I wonder if this is it for me and I'm going to be stuck like this forever. I know I shouldn't keep thinking about it and just carry on regardless but it is so difficult when I feel so bloody ill.

Sorry for the whinging, I hope all my lovely friends on here are feeling better and thank you for your continued support and kind words. x

---------- Post added at 08:50 ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 ----------

Sorry to hear you're not feeling any better. Maybe it will settle down when you get the results of your scan?

It's very tiresome isn't it?

Thanks Shaz. Hopefully I should get those this week some time. I'm guessing the doctor is going to want me off the HRT because oestrogen drives the fibroids and can make them worse. Either that or a hysterectomy and I'm seriously considering going down that route if it is offered to me.

How are you my friend?

24-07-16, 10:07
I'm a bit better Mojo, thanks. Still a way to go but the anxiety has calmed quite a bit. Still very edgy in the evenings and constantly exhausted but coping better. Even went to the movies today! Though I was very tense through the whole thing. Still deciding if I should increase the venlafaxine again but may give it another week or so to see how I'm doing.

I think we can get in the 'habit' of being anxious so the meds won't necessarily fix that and we have to do it ourselves. Easier said than don though!

I hope you can get your 'women's issues' sorted and maybe that will sort the anxiety too?


24-07-16, 12:20
Have you asked GP for propranolol to take away physical aspect?

24-07-16, 12:55
Yes, it doesn't really do much to be honest. I usually take 20mg in the morning when I'm at my worst.

25-07-16, 17:13
I've been feeling so up and down today. One minute I'm elated, feel normal. The next minute I'm overcome with anxiety, sweating, dry mouth etc, and then back to feeling good again!

Do you think it might be a sign that the meds are starting to work?

25-07-16, 17:45
Sounds like a good sign to me! minutes, half hour, hours, half days then before you know it you will be having good days and less bad. Keep hoping and keep going :hugs:

25-07-16, 17:48
Do you honestly think so Victory?