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View Full Version : Feeling ill after tattoo

24-07-16, 07:38
I got my first tattoo today on my wrist and everything was fine but now hours later I'm feeling terrible and have flu-like symptoms it's making me extremely anxious, the place I went to is very clean and I saw him use a new needle but I'm scared I now have some type of infection :(

24-07-16, 08:36
Don't worry. If he used a new needle and you actually do have an infection it won't be anything serious. However I bet that you don't really have an infection but you may be feeling these symptons because of your body reacting to the tatoo, which is foreign material to your body.

24-07-16, 20:19
Weirdly I was just coming on here to search for illness after tattoos! I got my 4th today but it's on my ribs and was bigger than the others and because of positioning more painful.

When I finished the session today (about 2 hours) I felt light headed, really tired and had a brain fog where I didn't feel I could think straight. Obviously I googled but this time I found lots of other posts about endorphins being released and adrenaline as a result of pain, then when these wear off your body is exhausted and can make you feel flu-like/shivery/cold etc. This makes sense to me and I was reassured by it. I hope you are too. x