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View Full Version : Tightness in head?

20-03-07, 13:32

I hope that I'm not making a fuss about nothing but recently I keep on feeling a sort of pressure around my right temple, I've also been getting the odd twinges of pain in my ears. Obviously, it's probably nothing but I keep on jumping to the conclusion it's probably a brain tumour or something which is very irrational I know.
Any advice and reassurance would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :)

20-03-07, 14:57
Pain is most often the very last symptom of tumors of the brain and because the brain has no sensory nerves, it is due to compression by reduction in space within the skull. Other symptoms become evident far earlier than this stage because the tumor has invaded brain tissue and affected its function, ie motor stability, vision, etc.

Your symptoms are more likely the onset of a viral infection that seems to be sweeping your area. Other forum guests and members have been experiencing symptoms associated with sinus inflammation and inner ear problems.

As always, the forum is not a diagnostic clinic and should your symptoms worsen or other symptoms become noticable, you should always seek direct evaluation and consult from your primary care doctor.

20-03-07, 17:48
Ok, thanks. I'll just up my dosage of vitamin C!