View Full Version : Hay fever questions

24-07-16, 08:33
So I am freaking out that I may have mucosal melanoma. My husband says it seems like I have hay fever so my questions are these?

Can you have hay fever without itchy eyes? Eyes seem mostly fine.

Would blocked nose just be one sided?

24-07-16, 08:39
Yeah. That's how it usually is for me. I'm terrified of mucosal melanoma myself. Why did you go to that conclusion? Do you have a mole in a mucusal surface??

24-07-16, 08:42
Yes just inside nostril but it looks normal and it's an area that could have been exposed to sun of lying back sunbathing I imagine. It's probably been there forever! It's just I thought you had to have eye involvement for hay fever

24-07-16, 08:47
I've had plenty of fevers without eye involvement. And I haven't heard of melanoma becoming a fever. It's usually itchiness or swollen lymph nodes if it spreads, but I doubt this is your case.

24-07-16, 08:55
Not a fever. Hay fever. It's an allergic reaction to pollen

24-07-16, 09:06
Oh. Well then I don't know. But it's not the melanoama

24-07-16, 09:15
Yep, you can have itchy nose without itchy eyes with hay fever. It could just be pretty slight and if you had it worse, your eyes would be streaming too.

The one-sided nose thing is something I tend to get with colds and so I can get it with hay fever too. One side seems to block up more than the other.

Why would you jump to melanoma? Is that because of the sun bathing? If so, it's a major reach and anxiety is certainly involved when you think something that could be allergy based is so common.

24-07-16, 09:23
It actually started with a funny small coloured patch on the sole of my foot and spiralled Terry. That old health anxiety chestnut! Then I discovered the mole inside my nostril and had stuffiness, a sign of the very rare mucosal melanoma and here we are!

Thanks Denise. I think you are fine too but we do this to ourselves don't we?!

24-07-16, 09:27
My right nostril has been blocked on and off for probably a year now. I can no longer sleep with my mouth shut (which enhances my spider phobia ewwww!). I'd try not to worry, I know that's easier said than done.

24-07-16, 09:28
I think you are right, it's probably been there many years. Body scanning can throw up all sorts of weird looking things that we worry about and yet our mums would tell us it was there when they bathed us as toddlers!

I guess the obvious thing to do is apply the waiting period and see the blocked nose disappear.