View Full Version : Weird vision after being outside in sun

24-07-16, 14:06
Still dealing with ongoing anxiety symptoms from chronic anxiety the past couple of months. I don't currently feel stressed or anxious anymore so trying to understand why I still feel this way. Neck pain, jaw pain, ear fullness, head pains, vision changes. I know all the head pains are from tension/TMJ but the vision issues are freaking me out.

Ocassionaly I see small flashes of light and this morning I walked outside after waking up and my eyes had a hard time adjusting to the bright sunlight which is normal. But then I walked inside and my eyes were seeing almost an aura or weird kaleidoscope lights out of my peripherals. Has anyone else experienced this?

24-07-16, 21:39
I have been experiencing all the same symptoms as you except my vision problem is just that my nearsightedness is more blurry but I'm due for my eye appointment this month. I do not have the problem with the inside outside thing but I'm curious do you suffer from Depersonalization? I was told i have TMJ and my right nasal passage way was inflammed. I am considering an MRI and a cat scan just to ease my mind because I cannot live being like this. It's reassuring to meet someone with the same exact symptoms as me. Thanks for sharing. Sorry I couldn't answer your eye question!