View Full Version : Lump roof of mouth

25-07-16, 01:44
I have a hard lump on the roof of mouth it's slightly to the right
Of the midline and about halfway back. Bit bigger than pea size. I'm so worried it's been there for over a month and gotten slightly bigger. It's not sore but sometimes I feel a tiny ache.
The dentist can't see me for atleast 2 weeks so I am going to see my doctor this afternoon. Stupid me googled and all I keep seeing is oral cancer.
Anyone ever had this experience? Freaking out :(

25-07-16, 15:22
Hopefully, by the time you read this, you will have seen the doctor and he/she will have been able to reassure you. You did the right thing in getting it checked out.

I think all of us with anxiety focus on the most frightening possible cause and the most frightening outcome, but most lumps aren't cancer and most cancers are treatable in the early stages.

Really hope the doctor has been able to put your mind at rest.

25-07-16, 19:47

I had this EXACT same thing a few weeks ago. It was there for days and seriously freaked me out with worry. I always imagine the worst before anything else.

I think this could be caused by some kind of trauma to the mouth, either through brushing too vigorously and bumping the roof of the mouth, or hard foods...stuff like that.

I recommend trying something like Corsodyl gel, or any kind of chlorhexidine mouth gel and dab it on the bump. See if anything improves.

That worked for me, though it took a while to get rid of.

I am wondering also if the reason you have had it so long is that perhaps because you have been conscious of it being there, you have been touching it/poking it, etc.?

Anyway, I would give the gel a try. Any kind of dental gel is good for this kind of thing. x

26-07-16, 01:44
Thanks so much for the replies.
I saw my doctor and she had a look and felt around the whole roof of my mouth and said there is definitely something there but she is not concerned about it enough to get any tests done, basically told me not to worry about it.
I am still a bit worried about it because she couldn't really tell me what it was. I told her I was worried and she just told me not to be. But you are right, being conscious of it along with anxiety does magnify minor things. I will wait and see :) thanks again