View Full Version : Pain in chest, back and throat. Scared!

25-07-16, 10:32
Hello, I'm new here. I was googling my symptoms and found this forum.
Right now I'm pretty scared about what is going on.

Last night I had taken my foster dog for a walk, had a shower and was sitting watching tv.
All of a sudden a pain started in the middle of my chest and back, almost like I was in a vice and was being crushed from both sides.
The pain also travelled to my throat.
Every now and again I have to take a big breath as it feels like I'm not getting enough air (I hope that makes sense)

I called NHS111 who sent out a paramedic who told me it could be a pulled muscle but it could also be a heart attack!
He wanted me to go to hospital to have a blood test to find out BUT I have agoraphobia and anxiety issues and couldn't go alone. No-one I knew would come with me so I declined a lift to the hospital (which thinking about it now was silly, at least I would have been in the right place if something was really wrong)

Anyway I slept for 6 hours without any major issues.
Woke up at 6am and this morning the pain was there but not as bad but as the day has gone on the pain has got worse :(
As well as the crushing type pain in my chest, back and throat it feels like something is stuck in my upper chest/lower throat and I'm having trouble swallowing and cannot eat.

Anyone know what might be wrong??

25-07-16, 15:01
I would advise getting medical attention for this. I'm not saying I necessarily think any thing's wrong, but we can't diagnose this any better than a paramedic. It's advisable to have it checked out.