View Full Version : Tablets cut down - cant cope

25-07-16, 10:51
Hi everyone.

Been a while since I have been on here. My anxiety and panic have been under control but now I went to a new doctor as mine has left and she wanted me to cut down on my Setraline straight away.

I was on 100mg and she has put me down to 50mg. I am already feeling the bad effects and feel like my heart rate is constantly high. Shakes are back and dont want to get out of bed and face the world but work full time and my work dont know about my anxiety. (I try to hide it but they probably think I am just under stress).

Please help with any tips you have. Thanks in advance

Kirsty xx

25-07-16, 11:09
Huh? Why did she want you to cut down if you were good on your current dose? That's out of order!

25-07-16, 11:11
She wanted to cut me down because she said I cant be on it forever and if its controlled then I don't need them anymore.

She is not a nice doctor at all and not sympathetic with anyone. My mum has had problems with her before.

Don't know whether I should go speak to another doctor and say I am getting worse again after being cut down?