View Full Version : panic when falling asleep

25-07-16, 13:14
I have major issues with health anxiety, more specifically my heart. Whenever I'm falling asleep i get what can only be described as a shock of electricity that rushes through my body that wakes me up completely. I wouldn't say it's as extreme as a panic attack, although it's just as scary. Does anybody else this? I've had it happen in the past, but lately it's been happening constantly which has resulted in my only being able to sleep when I deprive myself of sleep. Also any tips on how to stop it?

26-07-16, 01:09
I used to get this when I was trying to fall asleep and I feel your pain cos it is absolutely horrible. I only get this now when I am really tired so I make sure I get plenty of sleep. I think this used to happen when I was in the height of my anxiety - now I am not so bad it doesn't happen as often. x

26-07-16, 04:38
I have had this many times. It's scary but harmless. I was told it was nerves trying to "rewire" after a lot of stress. Idk if it's true but it makes sense to me!

26-07-16, 06:07
I've had this but more often it was waking suddenly in a panic after a couple of hours. It will pass if you stop stressing about your heart.

Took me a while to get there as mine was constantly bothering me but it's settled for now.

26-07-16, 13:28
I think I've had this before.

26-07-16, 14:16
A few weeks ago I did not sleep for days. I then starting getting these electric shock type jerks in my neck/ head as I was on the point of sleep. This would happen sometimes over 20 times a night for several nights. The Dr gave me low dose of zopiclone for a few nights. As I grew less tired the jerks stopped. So I think severe anxiety and lack of sleep can be a cause. Best wishes ,ruth