View Full Version : Neck/ brain tumour fear

25-07-16, 14:31
Hey guys,

I am really worrying myself, and it is never-ending fear.

For the past week, the right side of my back/side neck has felt tight and constricted (no real pain, just the tight/ odd feeling), with occasional sharp pains running up my skull on the right side too that last a second and are gone. Also, sometimes when I swallow, I can feel my neck at the back of my skull tighten.

I have been feeling by neck constantly, in case I find a mass or lump, but I don't feel anything odd (which helps calm me somewhat). My mum said my glands feel fine, so I should worry less about it, as my anxiety probably isn't helping at all.

I am convinced I now have a tumour of the brain/neck that is causing the tightness and strange feeling in my neck.

I wake up every day hoping it has gotten a little better, or has just magically disappeared so the worry will end, but so far, it has stayed the same.

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!

25-07-16, 15:13
This sounds to me like what happens when your anxiety makes the muscles in the shoulders and neck contract. I'd consult the GP if it persists, just to make sure, but I honestly think it's far more likely to be anxiety-related.

Also, remember, if, in the least likely scenario, it were a tumour, it would most probably be benign and treatable. I know three people who have had brain tumours and they've all survived. (They also had really severe headaches and problems with co-ordination and/or vision, not just shooting pains and tightness, but everyone's different, so I'm not saying don't check it out with the GP if it persists)