View Full Version : Am I having panic attacks? End of tether wondering what is happening all of a sudden!

25-07-16, 15:44
I've always been a bit of a worrier and have off and on over the years posted about concerns that I have this or that terrible disease based on a particular symptom or lump or bump at the time, however, its not really interfered much with my day to day life beyond a bit of worrying in the background and there has always been a clear cause for my worrying.

However, seven weeks ago I had what I thought was a really bad hangover, so basically felt sick, really dizzy and really weak. Later in the day though I developed a feeling of shortness of breath and utter dread. By shortness of breath I mean that it felt like it was harder than usual to breath and upper abdomen was a bit tight. I rode it out and thought the next day I would wake feeling fab but no, the shortness of breath continued off and on for a full week and after two to three days the dizziness came back. Then for the full last seven weeks I have had dizziness and shortness of breath off and on.

The dizzy off balance feeling is kind of like I'm on a boat and the would is tilting and sometimes comes on its own, or sometimes just the shortness of breath or sometimes both come together and this is when I get the worst effects and freak out the most. If I have them both together I get shaky legs and feel like will pass out.

I've never had bad hangovers before, I'm a regular social drinker and do tend to binge sometimes on a weekend so I know what a hangover feels like but this felt entirely different.

The breathing and dizziness are worst when I'm out far away from my house to the point that I no longer want to go out and am dreading the fact I have loads of things planned for the next few weeks for boyfriend’s birthday. I’m someone who hates to be in and doing nothing but now I find myself terrified to be anywhere but my home and work. My boyfriend lives around 40mins away by car and just being driven back from his house I find myself not able to breathe, going dizzy and getting pins and needles in hands and feet and all I'm doing is sitting in a car. Yesterday I could barely even walk by the time we got back to my house – I had to go to bed at 6pm and lie down to get my breathing down and to stop being quite so dizzy.

I haven’t drank much in last seven weeks but did decide to drink as normal this weekend and yesterday I did get the feeling of dread, dizziness and shortness of breath again as described above – but I have always been fine with alcohol up to now (I’m 32) and I actually quite like the hazy drunk heady feeling when drinking and feeling out of control doesn't both me, its just what I'm getting the next day now….. Alcohol is such a big part of my social life it would be impossible to never drink again but I’m scared. I'm not sure if the only reason I had the dread was because of the fact I was waiting for it.....

I went to the doc about a month back about the dizziness and shortness of breath and my doc said its an inner ear thing caused by flights in May….. I have had the whole on a boat feeling before after flights for weeks at a time but this time due to the shortness of breath accompanying it sometimes I’m finding it hard to believe it is an inner ear problem. Especially since this all first kicked off following a really bad hangover, but people have said to me that it could just be coincidence that the dizziness caused by inner ear started at the same time as I had a hangover….

I’m not sure if the inner ear thing (if it is this) could be causing me to panic and feel more out of control when I’m out as the dizziness does scare me, if I’m suddenly having random panic attacks or panic attacks from alcohol in some way and they are causing the dizziness or if perhaps it was just a bad hangover but it really scared me and now I’m fixated on breathing and so detect difficulties breathing and freak out about this more when out as obvs it would be worse to pass out or fall over when far away from home…..

I have a huge expensive two weeks hol to Thailand and Hong Kong in October with 13hour flights! I’m freaking out I’m not going to be able to cope and go, I can’t afford not to go, its all not cancellable and is for my boyfriend’s brothers wedding so it would not go down well at all not going. I love to travel and would be so depressed if I couldn’t go, I just can’t stop thinking that I might not be able to go which is probs causing me to panic in itself!!

My boyfriend and Dad think its all in my head and like I should just buck up and stop ruining things. If I can’t do all the stuff we have planned for next weeks for my boyfriend’s birthday I think it will cause major probs for our relationship and he has said as much…….

Although the symptoms of shortness of breath/dizziness come and go, I’ve generally been anxious almost all the time in the last seven weeks and I have nothing to be worrying about!! Life is good other than these stupid symptoms…….. Am so mad!

I literally want to go and cry right now, a life where I can’t go out all the time, can’t go on nice hols and can’t have nice cocktails is just not worth thinking about.

Am I overreacting??? Does this sound like panic attacks or perhaps an anxiety disorder? Do panic attacks last seven weeks? And what is the deal with alcohol all of a sudden, its scaring me that this could even be the start of agoraphobia I could not deal with a life limited by something like that...... I've posted about this in the past on symptoms but after yesterday freaking out with another hangover I'm more worried than ever it is anxiety: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=185872 I never knew you could have anxiety when you're not even worried....