View Full Version : Advice and reassurance

25-07-16, 19:49
Not sure if this is right place to post this..have always suffered with health anxiety, normally brought on by stress or illness, 2 years ago had it very bad where it turned into all day panic attacks , went on sertraline which helped, came off them 6 months ago, was fine till about a month ago and a throat infection coupled with an unhappy home life has brought on my health anxiety..went to the doctors where she said I had globus sensation as I had a tight throat/lump in throat , she asked me what I was afraid of what did I think was wrong with me, I told her I couldn't answer that I didn't know myself I just felt ill , tired ,rundown ,scared and extremely anxious..once she checked me over I felt better and off course throat symptoms went away for a couple of days, she also prescribed me sertarline again as she believes I'm depressed which has brought on the anxiety again. Haven't started taking them yet as I really wanted to stay of them however today has been a bad day again keep thinking what if she isn't right ? What if there is just something seriously wrong with me? Didn't help I seen a friend today I haven't seen for a while and she said I looked unwell and tired, so fed up of feeling like this, I know my thought are irrational but I can't help my body responding to it, sorry for going on in this post but felt I needed to say how I was feeling to people I know will understand how I'm feeling my family and friends don't understand I feel so alone