View Full Version : Acid reflux advise please

25-07-16, 20:11
I've had Hplyori in the past and ever since been on omprazole which work.
However I am about to be tested again for Hplyori and have to come off omprazole for 2 weeks for the test.
I asked my doctor about rebound acid when coming off them and if I should come off them gradually and she said no just put up with the acid it's just for 2 weeks, whoever I'm on the first day without taking it and I have lots of acid.
I can feel it in my throat and back and chest.
I'm scared it will cause an ulcer :( or damage my throat

I'm aloud to take gaviscon which helps but my health anxiety is sky high that il delevlop an ulcer in these couple of weeks

also after consulting with dr Google a while back im still worried about ppi drugs they can do long term harm apparently which scares me!
Like risk of bone loss and pneumonia.

As you can see I'm so confused and worried please help :(

25-07-16, 20:48
Just joined this the other day, it's good to know your not alone!
I suffered with acid reflux / heartburn for, I would guess around 12 month. Went through a gastroscope, omazoprozol (wrong spelling, I know) & went through stages where I would get heartburn / indigestion without even eating!
I was constantly changing my diet to try & resolve it, to no avail.
I can't even be specific on when it "went", suffice to say that I became more and more aware that it was linked to stress. Less stress-less heartburn etc.
As for as pump inhibitors, people live with them every day. I have two good friends who accept them as part of their daily life. They won't harm you.
Hope you get sorted soon

26-07-16, 10:23
Thank you so much for your reply.
I am on anxiety pills to control my anxiety and stress and does help!
Day 2 and not so bad since stopping them I'm getting stomach pains which I'm guessing is due to the acid my fear is developing an ulcer. I know it's just 2 weeks I need to stop but it's going to be a big struggle for me! :(

Yes it is lovely to hear we are not alone xx