View Full Version : Convinced I have ovarian cancer.

25-07-16, 21:21
I'm preparing everything I'm going to do once I am diagnosed. The past week has been absolutely hell for me. I visited my gyno after a dull ache in my abdomen. She checked for UTI and did a pelvic exam. During the exam, I felt a little bit of pain in my right side. She told me that it could be a ruptured cyst. She asked me to get a transvaginal scan. At that moment balls started ringing and since then I've been convinced I have ovarian cancer.
I asked my doctor, she could see I've been extremely upset, if it could be cancer. She said no. But that didn't help me, here I am.

The same day I went for a scan. The lady doing it could also tell I was a wreck. I was crying all day and just getting ready for my grave. She did my scan and couldn't tell me anything but as she was putting things away and she told me that in some cases we call the doctor right away if it's urgent, but not in your case. I felt a little bit better but still not convinced. She added that it was nothing to lose sleep over. Im still not convinced and am an absolutely wreck.

Its been the weekend and today and I still haven't heard from my doctor. I have a follow up scheduled for Thursday and I'm just ready to drive to the ER and let them do all tests right away on me so I know. I'm in absolute tears all the time and have been jeopardizing my job. I can't control myself and feel like I'm in some dark hole. I don't know what to do.

I know ovarian cancer is rare in women in their dearly 20s but I know I am that one percent that has it, I just know it. I,keep researching and googling symptoms and everything points to to it. I'm ready to give up. I don't know what to do.

25-07-16, 21:26
I can't imagine being told by medical professionals that there's nothing to worry about and still being in the state your in. Just sending positive thoughts that you feel better soon. Let us know "when" you get the all clear :)

Positive thoughts

25-07-16, 21:27
When doctors notice something life threatening, they don't sugar the pill or hide the truth to see how things pan out. They tell you what they've seen and get you sent for the next step in treatment as quickly as they can.

Given that nobody seems overly concerned, it seems like you shouldn't be either. I was a wreck after my MRI scan, convinced I had a brain tumour. It felt like I did. After weeks and weeks of waiting, I got impatient and contacted them. I was fine. I'm sure you'll be fine too.

25-07-16, 22:05
When doctors notice something life threatening, they don't sugar the pill or hide the truth to see how things pan out. They tell you what they've seen and get you sent for the next step in treatment as quickly as they can.

Given that nobody seems overly concerned, it seems like you shouldn't be either. I was a wreck after my MRI scan, convinced I had a brain tumour. It felt like I did. After weeks and weeks of waiting, I got impatient and contacted them. I was fine. I'm sure you'll be fine too.

ServerError, my fiance keeps telling me the same thing. My mind has other thoughts that the doctors probably just trying to make me feel better since I'm a wreck. I know I probably sound so crazy to people who don't suffer from HA.

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

I can't imagine being told by medical professionals that there's nothing to worry about and still being in the state your in. Just sending positive thoughts that you feel better soon. Let us know "when" you get the all clear :)

Positive thoughts

I can't believe I'm in this state,either. Any normal person would breathe after being told by two professionals. I guess this is a part of anxiety. It twists and manifests itself and tells you otherwise.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ----------

I can't imagine being told by medical professionals that there's nothing to worry about and still being in the state your in. Just sending positive thoughts that you feel better soon. Let us know "when" you get the all clear :)

Positive thoughts

I can't believe I'm in this state,either. Any normal person would breathe after being told by two professionals. I guess this is a part of anxiety. It twists and manifests itself and tells you otherwise.

My stress has been so bad I got sores inside of my mouth on guns and my nose is bleeding from dryness. I also feel so lightheaded at times and in state of panic.

25-07-16, 22:30
No one hates waiting for tests results more then I do. It's literally torture. Nothing releases me other than the official results.

Looking back at the times I have been through this horror, they did give me vague clues what they were seeing was not sinister.
I tried to hold on to that but it really didn't do much good. I hope your test results are in soon so you can have peace of mind.
That said, no one in the medical profession wants to open themselves up to a law suit, if it looks bad, they are go to shut down, they won't throw hints that it's not bad.

25-07-16, 22:57
No one hates waiting for tests results more then I do. It's literally torture. Nothing releases me other than the official results.

Looking back at the times I have been through this horror, they did give me vague clues what they were seeing was not sinister.
I tried to hold on to that but it really didn't do much good. I hope your test results are in soon so you can have peace of mind.
That said, no one in the medical profession wants to open themselves up to a law suit, if it looks bad, they are go to shut down, they won't throw hints that it's not bad.

Thank you so much. It is absolute hell waiting for results! I'm holding onto what the radiologist said as well as what my doctor said. I'm trusting them. I feel so exhausted from anxiety and stress that I want to hibernate in a hole.

26-07-16, 08:40
I'm preparing everything I'm going to do once I am diagnosed. The past week has been absolutely hell for me. I visited my gyno after a dull ache in my abdomen. She checked for UTI and did a pelvic exam. During the exam, I felt a little bit of pain in my right side. She told me that it could be a ruptured cyst. She asked me to get a transvaginal scan. At that moment balls started ringing and since then I've been convinced I have ovarian cancer.
I asked my doctor, she could see I've been extremely upset, if it could be cancer. She said no. But that didn't help me, here I am.

The same day I went for a scan. The lady doing it could also tell I was a wreck. I was crying all day and just getting ready for my grave. She did my scan and couldn't tell me anything but as she was putting things away and she told me that in some cases we call the doctor right away if it's urgent, but not in your case. I felt a little bit better but still not convinced. She added that it was nothing to lose sleep over. Im still not convinced and am an absolutely wreck.

Its been the weekend and today and I still haven't heard from my doctor. I have a follow up scheduled for Thursday and I'm just ready to drive to the ER and let them do all tests right away on me so I know. I'm in absolute tears all the time and have been jeopardizing my job. I can't control myself and feel like I'm in some dark hole. I don't know what to do.

I know ovarian cancer is rare in women in their dearly 20s but I know I am that one percent that has it, I just know it. I,keep researching and googling symptoms and everything points to to it. I'm ready to give up. I don't know what to do.

Hi, sorry you are feeling so bad. Can I ask if you have ever seen, or considered seeing anyone about the anxiety issues you have? It can be incredibly hard to acknowledge "the elephant in the room" because of general attitudes towards anxiety. It is just as tough, as much hard work, as coping with a physical illness but it's really worth considering.

26-07-16, 08:53
Hi Girl18, I'm in almost exactly the same situation to you. I am a lot older though (I'm guessing) as I'm post menopausal and had been referred for a scan following some bleeding whilst taking HRT.

Like you I had convinced myself I had cancer, even though I have regular smear tests, and whilst she was doing the scan I was shaking from head to toe. She didn't say anything and her face gave nothing away either. Then she asked if I would agree to a transvaginal scan and I said yes. She did that and was asking me some questions about my periods etc and I said why, is there something wrong? She said no no, nothing of any concern. Then it was over and again I asked her if she could see anything worrying and she said nothing to concern her unduly but full report would be sent to my GP. That wasn't good enough for me so again I said please tell me if you saw anything and she replied that I had some fibroids but they were very common and dr would discuss them with me but not to worry because she wasn't particularly worried about anything she saw.

That was last Thursday and I haven't heard from the doctor yet. I did ask the sonographer how long before dr gets the results and she said around a week. I think if there was anything really suspicious the dr would be told straight away.

My neighbour went for a scan on his neck after suffering agonising pain innit. He asked the man doing the scan if he could see anything but he replied that he wasn't allowed to discuss anything with the patient but he was sending the scan straight upstairs to the specialist as a matter of urgency. Turned out he had a tumour that had eaten through the bone, and that led to more tests which unfortunately found a lung tumour. He had the scan Friday evening and the doctor called him first thing on the Monday to tell him the results. You would have heard from the dr by now if it was anything to worry about.

26-07-16, 13:05
Hi, sorry you are feeling so bad. Can I ask if you have ever seen, or considered seeing anyone about the anxiety issues you have? It can be incredibly hard to acknowledge "the elephant in the room" because of general attitudes towards anxiety. It is just as tough, as much hard work, as coping with a physical illness but it's really worth considering.

I haven't seen anyone for my health anxiety but I know I should. I know I have anxiety and it just peaks when my body gets odd bumps. :weep:

26-07-16, 19:13
When doctors notice something life threatening, they don't sugar the pill or hide the truth to see how things pan out. They tell you what they've seen and get you sent for the next step in treatment as quickly as they can.

Given that nobody seems overly concerned, it seems like you shouldn't be either. I was a wreck after my MRI scan, convinced I had a brain tumour. It felt like I did. After weeks and weeks of waiting, I got impatient and contacted them. I was fine. I'm sure you'll be fine too.

I'm seriously struggling today. I still have pelvic pain and I'm at my wits end to just go to the ER and get everything figured out. I called twice yesterday about my results and the receptionist said that she hasn't gotten to it yet. So here I'm thinking that it must not be urgent or serious, right!? I'm terrified and my muscles are tensed up. I have a followup on Thursday with her so maybe she's just waiting until then. It must not be serious then? :weep::weep::weep:

Colon cancer, bowel cancer, ovarian cancer, are just constantly on my mind and it's breaking me down!!!

26-07-16, 19:36
I came back here today to check on you. :-) This waiting and not knowing is horrible isn't it?

Something that I learned awhile back is that once anxiety is involved, you can't make heads or tails out of what symptom is coming from where. Anxiety very efficiently muddies the water. Please don't try to evaluate your symptoms now.
I'm afraid, the only way out of this for you is to get those test results.

Sounds like 2 more days of hell, I'm sorry for that.

I wish I had a magic trick up my sleeve to make you feel better, I am really sure you're ok, but me telling you that is not what will make you feel better.
How about we just keep talking and holding your hand until you get those results?

26-07-16, 19:42
I came back here today to check on you. :-) This waiting and not knowing is horrible isn't it?

Something that I learned awhile back is that once anxiety is involved, you can't make heads or tails out of what symptom is coming from where. Anxiety very efficiently muddies the water.
I'm afraid, the only way out of this for you is to get those test results.

Sounds like 2 more days of hell, I'm sorry for that.

I wish I had a magic trick up my sleeve to make you feel better, I am really sure you're ok, but me telling you that is not what will make you feel better.
How about we just keep talking and holding your hand until you get those results?

Thank you, Nancy. It truly means a lot. I just feel hopeless when the pain comes and when it goes away I feel like I can move mountains and my fears are gone.

No one can truly convince me, it's just a part of this anxiety. I'm at work right now trying to focus and I feel on edge ready to bite someone's head off if they bother me... that's how bad it gets. I have so much yet to do. I'm 23. I'm getting married next year. I don't want to die :(

26-07-16, 20:11
I got a letter in the post this morning from the doctor's surgery telling me to phone and make an appointment to discuss my results. When I phoned I was told there were no appointments available for 3 weeks. I said I can't wait that long, I'm worried sick. The receptionist said she would pass a message on to the doctor and he would call me today.
Needless to say the call never came....

26-07-16, 20:24
I got a letter in the post this morning from the doctor's surgery telling me to phone and make an appointment to discuss my results. When I phoned I was told there were no appointments available for 3 weeks. I said I can't wait that long, I'm worried sick. The receptionist said she would pass a message on to the doctor and he would call me today.
Needless to say the call never came....

That must mean it's not so serious. I think if it was urgent they would get you in right away instead of waiting 3 weeks.

26-07-16, 20:27
Thanks. I'm trying to think along the same lines, but then my anxiety says "Maybe the receptionist got sidetracked and forgot to pass the message on" - Lol, we just can't win!

26-07-16, 21:09
If anything sinister had been found, you would hear from either the GP, or more likely the hospital, within a few days. Three weeks means that nothing urgent has been found xx

26-07-16, 22:14
That makes me really angry. It's very inconsiderate and down right cruel to not call you back.

Can you ask to speak to your dr?

26-07-16, 22:19
I will ring them again in the morning as it is 10.20pm here in the UK at the moment.

26-07-16, 22:24
It's 5:25 PM here in northeast Ohio. USA.

I hope you'll be able to get some rest, I do agree that they don't consider you urgent. But still, come on... have a heart.

27-07-16, 05:34
I certainly understand the frustration with test results. It's just insane that it takes so long to even get in to get tests, and then the person doing the test can't even tell you what they find and you have to make another appointment just to get that answer which can sometimes take weeks. I am absolutely convinced that the bureaucratic nature of our medical system does as much to feed medical anxiety as anything. People wouldn't be left to their own devices and get wrapped in fear if the system was more responsive to their needs.

27-07-16, 14:44
Any update today?

27-07-16, 15:31
I got a call from the doctor's surgery at 8am this morning. They apologised for not phoning back yesterday and said the dr had looked at my results and there was nothing there to be concerned about. I have some fibroids which is apparently normal, but apart from that everything else is fine. I was told I only really needed to see the nurse and that it wasn't urgent.

Girl18 - anything back yet for you?

27-07-16, 16:22
I got a call from the doctor's surgery at 8am this morning. They apologised for not phoning back yesterday and said the dr had looked at my results and there was nothing there to be concerned about. I have some fibroids which is apparently normal, but apart from that everything else is fine. I was told I only really needed to see the nurse and that it wasn't urgent.

Girl18 - anything back yet for you?

I'm so happy for you! I'm glad everything is good. Now you can relax and breathe. I haven't heard back yet. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow. I'm terrified, anxious, exhausted from stress.

27-07-16, 16:24
Thank you. Ha long ago did you have your scan?

27-07-16, 16:24
Thank you. Ha long ago did you have your scan?

My scan was last Friday afternoon.

27-07-16, 16:28
You would have heard back by now if anything serious was wrong. They wouldn't leave it until your follow up appointment.

27-07-16, 16:33
You would have heard back by now if anything serious was wrong. They wouldn't leave it until your follow up appointment.

I really hope so. Everyone I know keeps telling me this. My fiance has been absolutely amazing, he puts up with my anxiety and all of my PURE-O. I love him to bits. He keeps reassuring me that that they can't just put off serious or urgent things for so long. I've been feeling better today. I feel like I've also developed stress-induced IBS. I've been drinking hot water all day which has been surprisingly really helpful.

That appointment was scheduled the same day I went in to check everything out. My doctor asked me if I could wait two weeks for a follow up or if that was too long since I;m stressed. I told her 2 weeks is too long so she scheduled me for this week. She didn't seem concerned though.

28-07-16, 20:11
Hi everyone. I just wanted to update everyone on the diagnosis. The doctor said that I had burst a cyst and that's why I was having pain in my pelvis. She said everything else looked great and the burst cyst happens sometimes. I must have overworked my body working out or something or maybe even being intimate with my fiance.

I feel like I can breathe and my stress level is slowly diminishing. I appreciate everyone talking to me, it helped to keep me calm. Mojo, I'm glad your are good too!
I hope you all are doing well too.

All in all, I feel so silly and like a crazy person after all of this.

28-07-16, 20:13
There you go. What did I tell you? :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

28-07-16, 20:17
There you go. What did I tell you? :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

Thank you! It's been like hell for the last week up until today but I'm happy everything is okay. I've gained a totally different perspective.

28-07-16, 20:23
It must be a great relief for you. I'm so pleased that everything was fine and there was nothing of any concern.

I have my appt tomorrow to discuss the results of my scan - eek! :scared15:

28-07-16, 20:23
Yep... Wait for it.... Wait for it.... Told ya so! :D

Positive thoughts

28-07-16, 20:42
It must be a great relief for you. I'm so pleased that everything was fine and there was nothing of any concern.

I have my appt tomorrow to discuss the results of my scan - eek! :scared15:

Oh, I'm sure it's all good. The doctor didn't seem concerned when she spoke with you on the phone, so I'm hoping you feel a bit at ease, yeah? I bet she wants to discuss some type of treatment plan, perhaps medication. Any issues down below can be a pain in the butt (literally and figuratively) so she'll discuss something with you that will reduce any pain/spotting. Keep us updated :)

Being a lady can be such a pain. From monthly pains and aches to random cysts bursting...

---------- Post added at 19:42 ---------- Previous post was at 19:39 ----------

Yep... Wait for it.... Wait for it.... Told ya so! :D

Positive thoughts

Thanks :D

I feel so silly. Positive thoughts.

28-07-16, 20:51
That's great news, well, actually I knew you were ok, but it's great that now you have the official word and you can relax.... Be gone health anxiety... well at least until we meet again.

24-07-18, 06:19
Hi girl18. How are you doing? I'm glad that your ovarian cancer fear was in fact nothing serious! Look I've been experiencing the same worries now cause I have too many of the symptoms of ovarian cancer since two weeks ago I've been having low back pain like the one I get when I'm on my period, severe stomachaches, bloating. Although I gained so much weight thanks to going to mcdonalds thrice a week (145 lbs at 5'8") when in the past I was maximun 120 lbs, I realized that most of the time the fron of my stomach is bloated and sometimes I look like I'm pregnant. Since the last two weeks I'm getting sharp pains, butt pains, pelvic pain, constipation(not new symptom) and a general discomfort and I'm so scared it could be an advanced cancer that has spread already :(

I'm only 22 yeah I know it's rare but like you had stated first I feel like I'm one of the 1% who has it. I don't have any close relative who's had either ovarian cancer or breast, I am a very sendentary person , i barely walk out of my house and I'm scared it has increased my chances of gettin ovarian cancer :(

I want to go for an ultrasound but I'm so scared, scared that If I go I will see the doctor putting a worried serious face I'm so scaerd I'm getting shooting pains all over my body too, I can't stop thinking that I'll die from that disease :(