View Full Version : HA ruining my life

26-07-16, 05:15
So 2 months ago I started have back and right arm pain and issues with muscle spasms. I didn't think too much of it at first but it persisted far longer than anything similar I'd ever had. So, I did the big no-no and I googled my symptoms. Boom, what should pop up? ALS, an extremely deadly and frightening disease. Since that day I have been a complete wreck. I have had frequent panic attacks and the lingering fear/dread has basically made these past 2 months a complete and unlivable hell. I've been through therapy, in and out of doctors offices of all sorts, been put on anxiety meds and so far I have seen absolutely no relief and no real answers and I am at wits end.

The anxiety has waxed and waned over this time, but I don't think I've had even a single day where it hasn't had a severe impact on my quality of life. The doctors have been absolutely zero help either. They did a cervical MRI and said I did have a minor impingement on my C7 nerve, but they weren't 100% sure it was the cause of all my issues. Since then it seems it's just one symptom after another, and when I start to feel better about things something new pops up and the panic starts all over. At first it was the arm pain and twitching, then back pain, then wrist pain, then my arm always felt tired.

Now of course this has all led to hyper-vigilance and today I notice the muscle tone around my right forearm by the elbow seems less than by my left elbow when the arm is extended. Maybe it's always been that way, maybe that's normal, I don't know. What I do know is I am once again in full on panic mode and I just don't know how much more of this I can take. Now it's possible ones forearm tone is different than the other, but that doesn't stop my brain from constantly going to the "look, it's a sign of atrophy, you're doomed" and everything I do to control the fear has zero effect.

I feel so lost and I feel so helpless at this point. My life has become a living hell and I'm starting to fear I will see no relief until a year or so from now when if I was really truly sick with what my fears say I am I'd be seeing clear progression of the disease. Honestly though, I don't know if I can make it a year. Doctors don't do a thing to help either as they won't run any more tests, they only do basic strength tests and send me on my way. They tell me things like "it could be MS", or "Thoracic outlet syndrome" or various other conditions or even neurologic diseases but yet they are unwilling to do anything. I feel so helpless, so lost, and the suffering has basically hindered my ability to live my life completely. I don't know what to do, can't afford to keep seeing doctors for reassurances or in hopes they will help, and I just don't know what to do anymore.

Maybe this is all health anxiety. Maybe my muscle tone differences is completely normal and just means one forearm is a little more toned than the other. I don't know, but I certainly acknowledge that could be the case, but the reactive part of my brain just maintains complete control and prevents any logical thought from breaking through its wall of complete and total life destroying dread.

26-07-16, 13:56
It can do that to you, i know exactly how you feel this is "health anxiety" , i googled about 10 times a day, symptoms all day everyday, mind anxious etc..
Try a few different tactics for dealing with it, keep busy, do something mega relaxing! I bet you one thing though!
I bet you that there are times when you are relaxed or what not, and the symptoms will go away temporarily only to return when you start that brain thinking anxiously again, am i right? I have noticed this with myself, oh, look , magically the "symptoms" of my deadly illness are gone for a few minutes etc.. Its because it is health anxiety xx

26-07-16, 14:10
Hi TJB,i have been a hypochondriac for 25 years so i know how bad your fears are.From reading up als if you can walk on your tiptoes and on your heels then lie down and run your heel from your knee down your shin to your foot you are o/k.if you can lift things you are o/k.Iam not a doctor but i believe these are the tests they do also if you can with your eyes open touch your nose then say a spot on the wall then can still do it with eyes closed your o/k.I still do them myself every now and then,but my hypo has moved to cancer so you cant win.As for ms a family member has it and it does not sound like that either.Keep in touch geezer46.

26-07-16, 14:31
It can do that to you, i know exactly how you feel this is "health anxiety" , i googled about 10 times a day, symptoms all day everyday, mind anxious etc..
Try a few different tactics for dealing with it, keep busy, do something mega relaxing! I bet you one thing though!
I bet you that there are times when you are relaxed or what not, and the symptoms will go away temporarily only to return when you start that brain thinking anxiously again, am i right? I have noticed this with myself, oh, look , magically the "symptoms" of my deadly illness are gone for a few minutes etc.. Its because it is health anxiety xx

Thats so true, i had a break at the coast for the weekend and it was great. Now I'm back home and at work all my symptoms are back.

Headaches and muscle twitches all the time.

26-07-16, 16:46
See, try and let that sink into your head that, it is only anxiety pal, i know that's easier said than done.. But just think about it and once your accept that, it will be so much easier! :)

26-07-16, 18:45
Yeah, and at times I get the anxiety under control. Then boom, I notice something or something happens and the floodgates just reopen and there's nothing I can do to stop it. It would help if doctors would stop telling me it could be something and then do nothing to see if it actually is. I swear, our screwed up medical system here is half the cause of my health anxiety, and I'd bet plays a factor in the anxiety that many others suffer from as well.

27-07-16, 05:37
Well, I did what I probably shouldn't have done and went to see a doctor about this yet again. Once again he looked at what I was freaking out about and said there was nothing to be concerned about as differences in muscle tone, in the forearms especially, is actually pretty common. He did the usual strength tests and said everything seemed fine. Sadly, as expected, I left there not really feeling any better about things in spite of his assurances. I feel so helpless at this point as it seems nothing can ease my anxiety but maybe time since a degenerative disease would obviously progress over time, so if it hasn't in 6 months or so then I can breathe easy. Sadly, I just don't know if I can handle dealing with this for that long.