View Full Version : Brain tumour?

26-07-16, 10:06
Okay so I'm just new here,and I'll give you a bit of a back story into how this fear came about. The fear of a BT is something I touch on every now and then,use to fear one a few years ago when I had headaches but now it's my symptoms are more intricate and it's really worrying me. I went for a normal eye exam in February,to be told that my optic nerve was swollen in the eye where my vision isn't as great as the other one,and that photos would be sent to the hospital and they would arrange for me to have an appointment. Obviously I was in complete shock,knowing that I possibly had something wrong made me not want to look it up at all. I got an appointment for the week after and they done loads of tests,field test spot on,dilated pupil with more photos and a scan of the nerve,colour tests etc. Nothing came out bad and the doctor said the nerve is curved,making it look bigger. I was originally relieved and had to go back in 6 week for a check up,again everything was good and I finally got discharged. What concerns me the most is that my vision is definitely worse in that eye,but is corrected with my glasses and I feel my vision with glasses on has not changed since I first got them in February. When I went to the hospital they done the letter test where you read the letters on the board but with my glasses on. I assumed they'd know my prescription etc and see the difference but nothing was mentioned. I got asked multiple times if I have any visual problems but said no because I don't notice anything wrong visually apart from if I take my glasses off and test my eyes. When I went to the eye exam at the start,the woman said my nerve looked a little swollen 2 years ago,which makes me feel better as it's likely the way I'm made. It's been an on/off worry for me since I found out and when I asked if serious the woman said no as if it was I'd have lots of other things wrong with me which I obviously don't. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to get across here,I think I just need to vent a little bit :( I'm just angry at how things are going and because it's the summer holidays during school I'm sitting about worrying all the time! I'm petrified I have a slow growing tumour that's going to kill me soon! I feel so low and anxious again and I'm constantly checking vision with and without glasses and looking for problems to pick out.

26-07-16, 11:04
People have discovered they had brain tumour through routine eye checks. You've had more complex tests due to your swollen optic nerve and they all come back clear. Eye tests are amazing and honestly i wouldn't worry even though I know how hard it can be.

26-07-16, 11:08
I know that most people would forget about it by now but I seem to keep at it all the time. It was also two different doctors I seen at the hospital plus different nurses so I'm hoping that if one got it wrong the other wouldn't have. I think it's just because it's during the summer and we get about 6 weeks off school so I'm sitting about just constantly thinking all the time! I also got told that it's not even swollen so I'm not even sure why I'm worrying:(

26-07-16, 11:11
Ah I know what you mean. Two people looking at it is even better. My memory is foggy now but when I had my eye test I recall something around the lines of tiny hemorrhages being visible in the eye with a potential brain tumour. This would easily have been picked up with the dilation test.

26-07-16, 13:16
Its an increase of Intracranial pressure that causes it to be visible in the eyes. It pressures on your optic nerve.

If you had a BT that caused swelling of the optic nerve it is caused by raised ICP which would give you excruciating headaches along with nausea and seizures.

26-07-16, 13:22
Yeah I thought that I would be experiencing more symptoms and that my vision would be getting so much worse and my glasses would no longer work. I think when I went they were really baffled why I had been referred because all my tests were good and nothing looked wrong. I know it's been months but it's something that comes back a lot and when it does it seems to get worse every time and my worrying increases

27-07-16, 10:39
I'm so stupid but I looked up intracranial pressure and now I'm panicking and crying so much,why did I do that! It says you can get whooshing in your ear and I can get that sometimes at night if I lie a certain way and now I'm so convinced it's a tumor:(((((

Gary A
27-07-16, 11:05
If raised ICP was the cause of optic disc swelling, it would be unilateral, meaning you would have swollen discs in both eyes. Also, raised ICP will cause headaches, vomiting and seizures. You have none of these symptoms.

Swollen optic discs caused by raised ICP is known as papilledema. This is always considered a medical emergency. If you were showing signs of papilledema, you would have been taken instantly to the nearest hospital for a series of scans in the head area. Opticians know what papilledema is, they know what to look for.

You do not have raised ICP, if you did, you would certainly know about it by now.

27-07-16, 11:53
Yeah I've read that it's seen in both eyes normally. I'm such a mess I know these people are medical professions and it's unlikely that I've been told off of 3 different people that there's nothing wrong. It's just my vision in that eye that worries me but my glasses haven't changed since I got them. I just burst into tears earlier I hate this feeling so much!

Gary A
27-07-16, 12:04
Anything to do with your brain would affect both eyes. The occipital lobe of the brain is like the centre of operation for your vision. When there's something wrong there, your entire visual field is affected.

You have nothing more than an annoying problem with one of your eyes. This is not at all uncommon and you really should treat it as an annoyance rather than some kind of death sentence.