View Full Version : Bowel cancer?

26-07-16, 10:19
New worry!

So I go twice a day, that isn't the issue. My concern is what they look like - most times they are mid brown and formed, other times they can be looser. I worry this is a sign of bowel cancer. What if it's been going on for ages? I haven't got any blood, no lump i can feel. There are times, and sorry for the term. They just come right of me but aren't liquid. I'm 25 so I know it's rare but lot impossible right?

26-07-16, 10:52
Your bowel movements can vary a lot from day to day depending on what you eat/drink, how much exercise you have , stress etc.

It is actually healthy for poo to come out easily. You have nothing to worry about!

26-07-16, 13:16
With respect Reb,

It's almost like you wake up in the morning and go "Hmmm, what normal every day thing can I write about on NMP ect. and get a reply?"

Here's something to try. Write your concern in a note or MS Word doc, wait a couple of hours and then, if it's still really (I mean really... after all your logic and intelligence has been exhausted) worrying you, post it. The reactions I see to your posts have been getting pretty negative from what I see. Some feel you're trolling them and many have just stopped responding all together. You're becoming the girl that cried "freckle" ;)

As everyone is saying, please seek real life help with your anxiety issues. It's quite apparent the internet is not being beneficial.

Positive thoughts

27-07-16, 00:19
I'm sorry. But I've had another BM and its loose. What's mucus in BM? I'm just curious incase it's ibs, Crohn's disease or BC.

I go twice a day, typically well formed but that's not to say Ots not unusual to have a looser poo. Am I being dramatic?

---------- Post added 27-07-16 at 00:19 ---------- Previous post was 26-07-16 at 23:41 ----------

And this morning I thought I had to poop but it was gas, a big trump. I've just came across a darned Dm article about a girl my age who was diagnosed. I was feeling calmer until I saw this.

Looser poo; yesterday and today with normal BM in between

27-07-16, 06:03
Often times with colon cancer there will be blood present and in such a way as to leave little doubt. What you are describing sounds more like IBS or even just normal variations that can happen from time to time. Could also be little more than an imbalance in the bacteria that lives in your colon as that symbiotic relationship can be very fragile and the impact very noticeable, and once it's out of balance it can take some substantial time to get back to where it should be.

27-07-16, 06:25
You just aren't taking in anything anyone says and just latching on to any tiny thing to worry about. You last post looks like you didn't even read what myself and Fishman have said.

Please get some help with your health anxiety. There is nothing wrong with your bowels. If there was, you'd know. Believe me, I have Crohn's disease and I'd be very happy if I was pooping the way you describe.

27-07-16, 07:47

A couple of people called you a troll. They were warned by Admin to be respectful several times. It happens on here, mostly the HA board, where there are repetitive posters who often post more perceived trivial concerns. It sadly comes with the territory in this place, a bit like how non anxiety sufferers may tell us to "man up", it can be an ignorance thing as there are often stereotypes involved in anxiety disorders so those more severe in certain traits can appear outside of the norm.

In reality, you get as many hits as many others across NMP. That's not a reflection of public feeling about you or your anxiety, there are many factors e.g. people spread themselves around (like me), people feel they can't help anymore, the issue isn't of interest, some just don't post, etc.

Seriously, don't sweat any of that. There are plenty of people just like you around here in more ways than one.

There are other frustrations too and I think one that you can address is what is being mentioned here by Shaz. Please try to digest what people are telling you and acknowledge it too. People will more likely stick with your threads if they feel there is a two-way element to them as opposed to posting some advice and no discussion taking place about the points raised to the OP.

Where are you at with the referral for therapy? Have you looked at any workbooks? Have you been reading anything about anxiety itself and not about your fears?

Try to make some steps, just tiny ones towards helping yourself because the NHS are not as interested in helping as we are on here!