View Full Version : how does your d/realisation/personalisation manifest?

20-03-07, 16:24
how does you d/realisatin/personalisation manifest itself?

im experiencing some wierd feelings and thouhts and want to know if it is either of the two or if im jsut crazy!

lou x

existential crisis
20-03-07, 16:37

For me it is definately feelings of a loss of identity, not really connecting with my emotions, things not feeling 'real', feeling very much inside myself as if disconnected with the world...you get the picture! :) You definately aren't crazy though - it's mental fatigue which comes from being whipped with anxiety. Hope that helps. :) Clare. xxx

20-03-07, 22:33
Ive had that for almost 4 days!! its so scary and i always think im going insane are worse something to do with my brain:weep:

20-03-07, 22:44
when i get it i feel like i'm in a dream... its so scary because nothing seems real... its really overpowering, its like im disconnected to EVERYTHING... its something which i'm not sure anyone can describe properly, i know that if i hadn't experianced it i wouldn't understand just by someone explaining it to me

20-03-07, 22:58
Have a read of the Symptoms page on the left - it will help.

28-03-07, 11:46
I feel a bit dizzy but not really, like my vision isn't really there and almost like a slight pressure in my head! I always think its like a dream and like my sight will go but it never does. Was really worried about it until I started my CBT and she said its normal, had the usual oh my god I've got a tumour or a bleed on the brain or something!! .... I tend to only feel like that for a bit.. usually less than a few hours... I actually used to think i was going to faint.... its been worse for the last few days because of my lovely cold :) I'm just ignoring it now when it happens.... nothing bad has happened yet so why should it now!!!

Its a horrible feeling... but have hope you can overcome it!


28-03-07, 17:02
I've had depersonalisation for years. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to be, but it's still one of the major symptoms that has lingered and prevented me from fully recovering. I used to touch things to make sure that they were real, but it still left me feeling very upset and confused.

At the moment, dp feeds into my existential angst and health anxiety. I try so hard to feel 'real' that I overthink my surroundings and myself....which is like repeating a word over and over again, pretty soon it loses it's meaning....I have that sort of detachment from the sort of life that most 'normal' people live.

I could go on, but I normally do. Hope this helps. As far as I'm concerned, my brain is flooded with adrenaline, which is compounded with depleted levels of seratonin...when my chemical balance returns to normal (which it will do when I relax), then I'll feel 'human' again.

02-04-07, 23:13
That feeling of 'unreality' is the worst part of a panic attack for me. I could be walking down the street and suddenly get this feeling of being in a dream or of being transported onto the street and finding myself feeling like I have just been 'put' on that street without any recollection of how I got there. It is impossible to describe in words but it is absolutely terrifying.

03-04-07, 12:32
all of these things youve experienced sounds so similar to the things i get, but i suppose once you know theyre anxiety then tis not so scary......wlel maybe just a little bit less scary! hehe