View Full Version : blood test

26-07-16, 20:45
Went to hospital to get blood test for cholesterol etc....didnt notice lady/nurse getting new needle out now think she may have used old one from previous patient as on previous visits have watched them get new needle and heard click of cap coming off ,maybe she had it ready before I walked in? Now I have his fear ,is this irrational !?

Gary A
26-07-16, 21:00
No it's not rational, nurses take blood several times per day, the most basic part of it is not using a dirty needle.

26-07-16, 21:02
So my behaviour is irrational , an anxiety ? Most people wouldnt worry about

26-07-16, 21:32
I think your worry is irrational in the sense that it is a totally unrealistic worry, but with an anxious mind, it niggles away.

Nurses ALWAYS use new needles. This is FACT. The needles are packeted and sealed, covered with a cap and unwrapped and put on the syringe often BEFORE the patient arrives, especially for blood taking. You must consider here just how any blood samples these nurses/phlebotomists have to take daily here, that is why they get as ready as they can.

ALL used needles are immediately disposed off into a yellow bin after use. There is no chance at all that they used an old needle on you, unless you had an uneducated and unqualified moron taking your blood.

Hope this helps.

26-07-16, 21:42
Hi Debs therein lies the problem what if I had that one uneducated ,unqualified moron or is this just me being ridiculous !?
Also is it normal that she had string unpacked and ready then ?

26-07-16, 21:46
Ohhh... it's definitely you being ridiculous/irrational.

Positive thoughts and good blood test results!

26-07-16, 21:48
The blood test was for cholesterol but now thinking of getting another one in case I caught something like HIV from needle ! Is this crazy?

26-07-16, 21:52
Is this crazy?

Absolutely! I think you should just go do it. Reassurance won't help unless you're ready to accept that this is anxiety.

Positive thoughts

26-07-16, 21:55
Just go and do what ,get a blood test for HIV?

26-07-16, 22:00
Just go and do what ,get a blood test for HIV?

Yep... you don't believe anything we're telling you. I know for a fact that phlebotomists are trained individuals and in may cases licensed to take blood and 3 people (so far) have told you you're being irrational. So, accept that as fact or allow your anxiety to control you, go get tested and get it over with... but... will you doubt that test and the controlled conditions etc. etc. etc. It's a slippery slope and you're about to go down the slide.

Positive thoughts

26-07-16, 22:41
So what do you suggest ,not test ,accept its anxiety and forget it ? Whats the slippery slope?

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:05 ----------

Yep... you don't believe anything we're telling you. I know for a fact that phlebotomists are trained individuals and in may cases licensed to take blood and 3 people (so far) have told you you're being irrational. So, accept that as fact or allow your anxiety to control you, go get tested and get it over with... but... will you doubt that test and the controlled conditions etc. etc. etc. It's a slippery slope and you're about to go down the slide.

Positive thoughts

So what do you suggest ,not test ,accept its anxiety and forget it ? Whats the slippery slope?

26-07-16, 23:17
I (and two others) suggest you forget it but you do what you feel you need to do :)

Positive thoughts

26-07-16, 23:45
So I have an irrational fear that most wouldnt worry about as there was clearly no risk and if I give into it its a slippery slope ?What I dont understand is why your fuelling the fear ,that not very nice .

27-07-16, 00:10
So I have an irrational fear that most wouldnt worry about as there was clearly no risk and if I give into it its a slippery slope ?What I dont understand is why your fuelling the fear ,that not very nice .

Yes, this is an irrational fear that most including those with HA wouldn't worry about. IMO, there is no risk and I believe and stated that. I also said by giving in to this fear and getting further tests, it would fuel your anxiety and cause you to just get deeper in (that's what I mean by the slippery slope).

Please explain how telling you this is not very nice? Backing off and telling you to do what you want is just me backing out and away from the thread as I see someone in the midst of an extreme spiral at the moment.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

27-07-16, 00:32
Hi Debs therein lies the problem what if I had that one uneducated ,unqualified moron or is this just me being ridiculous !?
Also is it normal that she had string unpacked and ready then ?

Jimmy, yes....this is you being ridiculous (with all due respect)

Your anxiety is telling you that. It isn't true.

Anxiety throws up all kinds of doubts that you simply would not have if you were not anxious. This is one of them.

I'm not sure what you mean by string?? Do you mean a syringe?

If so, yes. The same as it is normal for a needle to be already placed on the end of a syringe. What they usually do is open the syringe and the needle, place the needle STILL CAPPED AND INSIDE THE PACKET onto the syringe. At all times the needle is kept sterile until it is used.

You really have nothing to worry about here, but as Fishmanpa said, if your anxiety is screaming at you otherwise, we could be here forever trying to reassure you, but will you believe it? :shrug:

I don't like throwing out the nurse stuff on here, but I was a nurse for over 10 years. Using dirty needles NEVER happens. Working sterile is a key part of medical procedures.....ALWAYS...especially during invasive contact like blood taking.

27-07-16, 08:41
Jimmy, yes....this is you being ridiculous (with all due respect)

Your anxiety is telling you that. It isn't true.

Anxiety throws up all kinds of doubts that you simply would not have if you were not anxious. This is one of them.

I'm not sure what you mean by string?? Do you mean a syringe?

If so, yes. The same as it is normal for a needle to be already placed on the end of a syringe. What they usually do is open the syringe and the needle, place the needle STILL CAPPED AND INSIDE THE PACKET onto the syringe. At all times the needle is kept sterile until it is used.

You really have nothing to worry about here, but as Fishmanpa said, if your anxiety is screaming at you otherwise, we could be here forever trying to reassure you, but will you believe it? :shrug:

I don't like throwing out the nurse stuff on here, but I was a nurse for over 10 years. Using dirty needles NEVER happens. Working sterile is a key part of medical procedures.....ALWAYS...especially during invasive contact like blood taking.

Thanks Debs it was a vacutainer type needle( not string spell error) and what I meant was I didnt see her take it out the box which was on table the needle was already out and ready ,normally you would hear the click of the cap coming off but needled seemed already prepared and removed ,is this normal ?

27-07-16, 10:40
Yes. This is normal Jimmy.

That needle - be it a vacutainer type or a standard needle which is placed on a syringe - will be TOTALLY sterile. Assuming that the phlebotomist didn't leave it laying around on a random surface, then it will be sterile from the moment it leaves its cap.

Jimmy, whatever I say or anyone else here, I feel that maybe you still won't take this in, as your anxiety is niggling at you regardless. You honestly have nothing to worry about here.

27-07-16, 10:49
Thanks Debs ,I then get into the what if she had left it lying around ,but that wouldn't have happened right ?
How does one deal with anxiety ?

Gary A
27-07-16, 10:56
Thanks Debs ,I then get into the what if she had left it lying around ,but that wouldn't have happened right ?
How does one deal with anxiety ?

You deal with your anxiety by, firstly, admitting to yourself that anxiety is the issue, then speaking to your health care provider about your thoughts. You may be referred for therapy or offered medication, although therapy is generally the first step before medication is considered.