View Full Version : Worried about Brain issues

26-07-16, 23:46
I have several of the symptoms such as foggy memory and some eye sensations (been to an eye test and only required slightly stronger glasses for reading and no permanent glasses), headaches and sometimes feeling like there is pressure on the whole left side of my head as well as feel like left ear hears worse and like my mental skills are declining (e.g maths and spelling). Could this be nothing? In my eyes I also sometimes see dots of light and small blue circles is this normal or is it something worrisome and also would an eye test notice something like a tumor?

---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:41 ----------

Also sometimes when reading things I dont focus and have to read them several times as it does not go in and also symptoms often say confusion but I am not sure what this means if someone can explain please...

27-07-16, 00:25
Quick question, i worked this out earlier, do you always feel like this 24/7.. Be honest now, is there times your busy and relaxed and function fine? Bet there is... If there i . Then its likely anxiety issues! :) have a think..

---------- Post added at 00:25 ---------- Previous post was at 00:24 ----------

P.s sometimes i see random bits of blue in vision, isn't a tumor , its anxiety or just a general simple eye problem, don't worry..

27-07-16, 00:31
There definitely are those times but whenever I think about it I feel some sort of symptom or another and its annoying like these past few days I have had the craziest twitch in my arm but now I cant feel it and now I think its gone.