View Full Version : Public Speaking Panic Attacks, help!

27-07-16, 00:13
Hi, I am completely new here and nervous (not a really a surprise there aha) but I wanted to post because I am a long time anxiety and panic disorder sufferer and have never really talked to anyone with similar issues.
A couple of years ago I had my very first panic attack in front of a class at college, ever since my panic disorder has overtaken my life and my social anxiety has become particularly bad. My fear of 'public speaking' goes beyond making presentations too, I recently dropped out of uni because I was too scared to answer questions in class, and now I have to find a job I am terrified I will get fired because I have to speak in meetings. Has anyone else had this problem and managed to conquer it?
I have tried a myriad of things in the past (counselling, hypnotherapy, medication). I am just so tired of making compromises. Does anyone have any friendly advice? :)

27-07-16, 11:36
Thanks yeah, I would certainly agree with him that my fear of this is certainly more than death, I mean a panic attack itself just feels like death to me! Classes sound like a potentially good idea, have reached out to one, guess I just need to take the plunge and challenge my fear :S