View Full Version : DVT tests

27-07-16, 02:29
Hey guys!

So I've been having some pain/heaviness in my left leg and it came after a roatrip so I went to the ER and got an ultrasound which was negative, but then my regular doc wanted to do a d dimer which came back high. The exact value was .54 which was above the .49 cut off.

Needless to say when he said it was high I freaked and went back to the ER where they refused image testing and decided instead to repeat the d dimer which came back normal at .33.

I am still nagged by that first positive test and the fact that my leg is not better. I'm terrified I have a clot somewhere.

I'm unsure what to do next. Any advice? I know the first test wasn't that high and I wonder if it was a mistake or not that significant.

27-07-16, 16:38

I can help, I have had several DVT's in my calf and clots in my lungs.

The d dimer test is used to help rule out the presence of an inappropriate blood clot (thrombus).

Have they taken your INR as yet, I am sure they would have done, all the times when I had suspected clots in my calf an imaging test was done, this is where they shoot liquid into your veins where the suspected clot is and this is then highlighted but with a PE (clot in lung) it will be an xray.

The normal ratio for an INR (how the blood is clotting) is 2-3, anything below 2 could indicate a possible clot.