View Full Version : worrying once again

27-07-16, 09:35
i had an ecg little over 3 weeks ago it came back fine, also been keeping tabs on myheart rate which is very good just now as i've been getting myself fitter again its between 56bpm and 70bpm at times. but now im trying to tell myself i have heart problems again why!??? so annoyed at myself.

also it only seems to affect me when im in work all these negative thoughts come streaming in

27-07-16, 09:44
Hey, at least you know it's your mind playing games. I find work can make things worse too... we're obviously meant for a life of leisure!

27-07-16, 09:52
ye you may be right there, just can't get rid of the nagging feeling saying I might be wrong this time and i do have something wrong with me and i'm going to brush off, wish that would go away

27-07-16, 10:15
Sadly honey until you address the health anxiety you are going to continue in this cycle.

At least at the moment you know it is your anxiety, this is the time to get in there and deal with it, before you spiral.

27-07-16, 10:54
what is the best way to adress this health anxiety?

27-07-16, 12:27
what is the best way to adress this health anxiety?

Therapy and if needed/recommended, meds. Along with professional help, there are ways to help yourself in the form of common sense things like self help books, exercise, proper nutrition etc. Ultimately, it's you taking the positive steps toward healing and the real desire to do so that will address your HA.

Positive thoughts

27-07-16, 12:55
To be honest i've been good recently had the odd minor blip but nothing to affect me too much , today feel slightly worse but hoping a good gym session tonight can make me feel better. i have definetely improved in recent months hopefully just a minor blip

27-07-16, 15:16
Minor blips are all part of the process. You'll be fine; enjoy your workout later. Exercise is a healer!

27-07-16, 15:53
So the question is :How do I address a "blip".

You do so by calling it "Mr." "Miss" or "Mrs." :D

Seriously though...

My daughter has been dealing with a major blip exasperated by a withdraw of benzos.. Fun eh? NOT! I saw her over the weekend and she's doing much better. She's using the tools she's learned in therapy and practicing relaxation techniques. Her doctor took her off the benzos and for sleep told her to take a benadryl "as needed". Interesting in that I was told the same thing when I had a bad reaction to sleep meds. Take one of those puppies an hour before bed and I'm out! And an added benefit is I breathe easier too! :)

You're doing the right thing. It's no fun but it will pass soon enough.

Positive thoughts

27-07-16, 17:22
Ive had every test on my heart I can run a cross country without a twinge but then my gerd will play up or my hiatus hernia and it always presents a new symptom which sends me into a tizwaz as its in that area

strangely the doc told me my liver was slightly inflamed and not happy for which ive stopped drinking but it hasn't bothered me infact I forgot about it within 48 hours and was back obsessing about my ticker

which is ludacrus because your livers just as important as your heart

such a shit illness we have

27-07-16, 18:02
I think if you can have a laugh at yourself it helps to diffuse the adrenaline/tension