View Full Version : Tired..

20-03-07, 16:54
For the past week or so it seems like all I want to do is sleep. I go to bed fairly early and I still don't feel like getting up in the morning. I think I'd stay in bed all day if I could. Has anyone else felt like this?

20-03-07, 21:31
Are you working? doing any exercise?

21-03-07, 01:09
I am working but it's only for about 2-4 hours a day in the afternoon. Thank godness for my two year old little girl or I probably WOULD stay in bed all day. She gives me a reason to get up (although its still hard). I used to do alot of cardio exercise, but like I said, I haven't had any energy for much of anything lately.

I also finally decided to get out and try to go to the grocery store today, but I only got as far as the customer service desk.. I bought stamps and I was out of there. I started feeling a panic attack coming on so I wasn't able to get my groceries :(

21-03-07, 08:46
Usually when I'm depressed and very anxous/panicky I tend to be very tired. No matter what I do I can't seem to gain energy.

I find that having lots of tea helps, doing light exercise and sitting in the garden helps alot. Give it a go and let us how you feel :winks: