View Full Version : Intermittent, sharp, stabbing pains at very top of leg

27-07-16, 15:55
Started last night, made me nervous but I fell asleep anyways. Just woke up to it still happening. I'm getting sharp, stabbing pains at the very top of my left leg. Almost to the point where it's not really my leg, it's like right below my hip, but on the front of my leg not the side. Nothing seems to cause it, just happens when I'm sitting there. I'm fairly active, eat well, relatively healthy and getting even better. I haven't felt like I had to make a post here in awhile, but stuff like this still brings out a bit of anxiety. Also a slight pain in my upper back, shoulder blade area. Obviously the easier answer for both of these is that it's simply nothing, or that maybe I tweaked something in the gym. But yeah, I'm a bit anxious about stuff like that, so second opinions or yeah I had that too, it's no problem would be awesome 😅

27-07-16, 17:31
Probably due to some back strain. Try doing some gentle floor exercises. A hot bath can help. Don't sit for too long. Walking helps too.

27-07-16, 20:09
As its all on the same side its almost certainly strains from something and will get better itself but could take a week or so.

01-08-16, 10:07
I get this too ( in my left leg). I also get mid back pain... I'm 27.
I'm thinking maybe it's a usual sensation that we focus too hard on. If there isn't a lump in your leg then I wouldn't be too worried.