View Full Version : Back again - mouth/teeth pain this time!

27-07-16, 16:22
Well I have been pretty good since a major episode (worst ever) of HA from Oct - Jan. I still have had some flare ups of HA, but mainly it has been under control. But I have been (as have my family) well, so no real tests.

Now this...

Two days ago all was good. Suddenly I felt some pretty extreme pain in my mouth, where I got a dental crown in May. The crown has never fit exactly right, and I do have sensitivity there. But that had gotten better. This was an intense pain, radiating through my cheek, ears, to the back of my head.

I took some Tylenol, and it passed. Yesterday I woke up, it was ok. But after breakfast I felt it again, and every time I tried to drink my coffee I got this extreme sharp pain - only on the side with the crown.

I made an appt with the dentist - an emergency one with a new dentist - and assumed I would need a root canal.

The dentist poked, prodded, did their thing, and didn't see anything wrong - although they didn't do an xray. She did adjust the bite, and said the crown wasn't lined up perfectly, and I may grind my teeth at night causing the pain.

Today the pain is worse - again only when I drink or eat on that side. I made an appt with my own dentist - it is in 2 days.

I am in the old HA trap of researching everything. I was even scared of salivary gland cancer. Although I don't think that would react to liquid just touching it. Just the touch of liquid sends shooting pains.
I am scared because the dentist didn't find anything. I wish she did.

My wife saw that old familiar HA blank stare of doom this AM, after I locked myself in bathroom for 20 minutes to research.

Luckily I see my psychologist tomorrow. That was a set appt.

27-07-16, 17:28
From my own experiences of dental pain, sensitivity to hot or cold could mean some tooth decay. I'm surprised the dentist didn't do an X-ray.

But it could also be due to exposed root which isn't anthing serious. My husband has it. He grinds his teeth. He uses a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and finds it helps.

But whatever it is it's not going to be anything serious. I know how you feel, I have HA too.

An X-ray will help. And get that toothpaste for sensitive teeth, see if it helps.

27-07-16, 19:19
Thank you so much Becky!

You know how HA works. I research and research, and focus and focus. It makes it all worse. I even wonder if I am imaging the pain, although I know at times it is sharp and I am not! I just worry it is cancer or an infection that will spread to my brain and kill me.

27-07-16, 19:29
Ah that's ok, just hope you feel better about it now.
I really do understand as I do absolutely the same.
We just can't seem to think rationally about our health issues which is why we come on here and ask others to do it for us!