View Full Version : Jaw been clicking a bit when eating and yawning tmj?

27-07-16, 17:12

For over a year now easily sometimes when I yawn well it's quite allot my jaw pops or clicks when I was eating I thought it was a filling crunching or making a noise but done a bit of research and found out it could be tmj.

Well last May I was nearly ready to sue a dentist near me should've tbh, literally ruined a tooth filled it, it all cracked etc put me through major anxiety and shit. Anyway I had it pulled last July at a diff dentist thank god it's gone.

Anyway I'm pretty sure that dentist before caused this but apparently doing research it's only going to get worse and will require surgery ! Now im
Scared about this :(

I wonder if this is another thing my anxiety is making worse it's mainly on my top right side where it clicks a bit.

27-07-16, 20:30
Hi, I have the same problem as you! I went to the dentist and she says I doubt you have TMJ because you'd need to have major migraines and severe pain in the jaw, along with teeth breaking due to the force of the jaw. She suspects what's causing my jaw to click is the way my teeth are aligned, and also because I constantly rest my jaw on stuff and chew a lot of gum. I noticed it clicks less now that I've stop resting my jaw on pillows and all that. I feel for you however. I had some darker thoughts than TMJ and I can't help them. Don't google, please.

27-07-16, 20:34
Hey, my brother has had this nearly his whole life and its never given him any real problem. His jaw hurts now and then but it is very rare and it has never got any worse over the years and he is now 35.

27-07-16, 20:38
I went to the dentist and she says I doubt you have TMJ because you'd need to have major migraines and severe pain in the jaw, along with teeth breaking due to the force of the jaw

Really? I've been told I have TMD and that's due to my jaw clicking and aching. I can't chew tough food anymore as my jaw goes stiff and really hurts, I can't even use mouthwash as I can't swish it around my mouth due to the stiffness/pain. I also had 'lockjaw' for a few weeks (I believe due to putting my fingers in my mouth to feel my wisdom tooth coming through) which I think is what caused it.

27-07-16, 20:39
I've had this for over 40 years, it still does it now when I open my jaw, only on the left hand side lol.

I was a dental nurse for 13 years, it is very common and absolutely nothing to be concerned about. You won't need surgery so don't worry.

27-07-16, 20:39
Also I was never told mine would get worse and the only mention of surgery was if my jaw locked again and they would take my wisdom tooth out, which would require surgery due to how it come in.