View Full Version : Bad eye strain

dizzy daisy
27-07-16, 17:48
I'm back with what feels like really bad pulling sensation in eyes. I use a PC all day at work and of course use a smart phone lots. When my eyes start filling it's almost a bruised type feeling and sometimes it makes me feel sickly too.
Can anyone share experience or provide any reassurance please?
I know I need to book in for eye test but I'm being a real whimp lately

27-07-16, 17:55
I get this every single day. I have depression and pretty much sit on my phone all day, everyday. I get eye strain, then start feeling sickly, then get a headache if I keep on my phone.

There is no harm in going for an eye test, but eye strain is very common and as far as I'm aware not indicative of anything serious.

Even though I know I will get eye strain I still keep picking my phone up. I should really put it in another room.

Also, when on my laptop I start feeling physically sick within an hour usually, this is something that has happened for years. So it's no surprise really considering you work with a PC all day

27-07-16, 17:55
Very likely that it's the constant looking at screens all the time. If you do that all day by the end you're going to have sore eyes! Don't worry about the eye tests,I had to go for extra tests due to something but normally you're in and out within 20 minutes and it saves you headaches and eye pains that ruin your day:)

dizzy daisy
27-07-16, 18:14
Thanks so much for your replies. I really appreciate it so much. I'm
Going to try my best to just get eyes tested asap.
Keekee I'm like you in that I'm on my phone even though my eyes feel like they are going crossed they're so strained!! I don't help myself at all.
It's reassuring to know you also get the sickly feeling too xxxx

27-07-16, 18:24
As soon as you get glasses (if you need them) you'll feel an instant relief and you'll never want to take them off!!! You may not even need them and just need to lay off on having the screen right up against you,it's so hard nowadays when most things revolve around phones,laptops etc

dizzy daisy
27-07-16, 18:52
Thanks Aimee. I really appreciate your support. Look at me, I'm on my bloody phone again. You're right, it's hard to avoid screens these days as everything is online. My vision seems to be find its just this awful strained feeling xxx

27-07-16, 18:55
Definitely sounds like the screens then,I understand that feeling and as the day goes on you seem to get closer and closer to the screen and finally have to tell yourself to back off a little hahaha! Take care x

dizzy daisy
29-07-16, 21:07
Having an awful day with this today. I just keep thinking worse case scenarios. I'm really wanting to just go and have an eye test done- how hard is that!!
My stupid anxiety regarding tests is bad at the moment and so I keep thinking they'll look into my eye and then something dreadful will be diagnosed. So sick of feeling like this xxxx

dizzy daisy
30-07-16, 13:17
So I've been quite brave today for me. Eyes still feeling strained and now I have neck and shoulder tension to add to it. I've called several opticians to see if I can get in today- but they are all full until next week.
Really I need a test asap before I drive myself and everyone else mad. It's hard to go in the week because of work. If it's still awful tomorrow I might see if there is any chance of being seen Monday and ask my boss if I can take a few hours leave.

30-07-16, 13:30
Dizzy daisy I would imagine neck and shoulder tension could also come with eyestrain. I get these too although usually different times to my eye strain. I slouch a lot and because of this I've had to buy one of those special pillows for bed as some weeks my neck was literally agony. It also sometimes rises to my temples.

I'm sure the eye test will be fine. If you say you are worried they might be able to see you quicker.

30-07-16, 14:43
With it now becoming muscular tension, it could be posture.

It's worth having the eye test though. I've pretty much always worked in offices and my eyes started to suffer due to the screens (those anti glare filters are a load of rubbish to satisfy health & safety in my opinion). I started having trouble focusing on the TV and being able to read the writing on it from over 6 feet away. I just needed glasses. I was having a lot of headaches and it was because of this.

If you have glasses, it can take a few days to get used to them as suddenly everything seems in HD! This can feel a bit strange at first but you adjust and then things are much better.

If you don't need glasses, before my eyes got too bad I found taking a supplement specifically for eye health really helped me for years. I stupidly stopped taking them for years and then it got worse and I ended up getting my eyes tested because of the above to be told I needed glasses.

I was still in a very difficult phase of my anxiety when I had the test. It wasn't that bad though, just the blowing air in the eyes made me jump a little. Concentrating on the tests and talking seemed to help a little despite the trapped feeling.

Good luck.

dizzy daisy
30-07-16, 16:43
Thank you so much for your kind words of support guys. It's really helping me through until I can get the test done.
I did actually call into one of the opticians today although I did have jelly legs just in case they had any cancellations but nope.
Terry, I agree that the filter screens are crap.
For me the vision seems quite clear really and no probs reading, just dreadful aching eyeballs and when using my phone or reading a book it feels like they are straining xxxx

dizzy daisy
31-07-16, 19:35
Still struggling today. I'm stressing at the thought of going to work and struggling with this eye strain feeling all day. I might just call in and then try and get in at optician somewhere tomorrow.
It feels like eyes struggle to catch up like they're really tired and strained and dry.
My neck and shoulders are horrifically tense now too which I know is making things worse, but I can't help it as I'm in such a state of worry right now.

01-08-16, 05:47
If your vision is ok, perhaps you don't need glasses for it? It sounds unlikely to me but then I've only worn glasses for about 4 years so I'm still new to it.

It just sounds like this may mean a strategy needed to reduce it, whether that's a change in lighting to some exercises aimed at perhaps your neck/shoulders, etc? I don't know but if the optician says your eyes are fine, I would suggest investigating it from this angle rather than allowing the HA to run away with itself looking for something serious.

dizzy daisy
01-08-16, 15:21
Thanks to all of you for responding and keeping me sane. I got to an optician today and my eyes are perfectly fine. She said my vision is 20/20 and no signs of any disease etc. Muscles working fine and so it's just eye strain and dry eyes due to using computer. Just take regular screen breaks etc. Phew xxx