View Full Version : Why do friendships control my life?

27-07-16, 18:06
This is an ongoing anxiety. I've posted before.

So I used to have a crazy social life, I was a party girl who went out loads with a circle of friends. As I've got older I've realised that I enjoy my own time and am quite a loner. I'm happily married with my 2 cats and a dog and my hubby is my best friend.

Don't get me wrong, I do have friends. I also have a large number of acquaintances. However, we don't do a lot with friends nowadays and we're fairly happy. We go for dinner with friends now and again and visit friends in different cities.

I've always been the sort of person that can hold an audience and when I'm out I seem to attract people (not in a sexual way). My mum has the same trait. The problem is that see Facebook and hear people talking about friends friends, friends all the time and I feel completely inferior; like I should be doing more and getting out with girlfriends more often. If I see a group of friends, I always get a dip in my mood. I truly don't understand why.

Another issue is that I'm breaking away from a couple of friends who I feel have been a negative influence but am equally feeling that I should stick around as I 'need to keep my circle of friends up'. My best friend lives in London so I don't get to see her very often.

Recently, my hubby has been talking about having a barbecue and I just feel like I can't invite anyone. He has quite a few friends and I'm good friends with the girlfriends but it just feels so co-dependant and I hate for it to look like I'm unpopular.

This is really plagueing me right now. My hubby doesn't bother with friendships much as he likes just doing stuff with me which is lovely. But it seems like he 'can' say that, I feel like a billy no mates even though it's not the case. I know I could call a number of people to go out for a drink at any point.

What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so horribly abnormal?

I really need some help with this. It may sound trivial but it eats away at me and makes me feel awful.

29-07-16, 09:48
No replies :(

29-07-16, 10:07
Were all different, i have alot of acquaintances but very few people i call true friends, so your not alone. Personally i don't see anything wring with that :)

According to FB i have 281 friends, ignoring family i would say in reality there's prob only 10 people who are true friends. Some of which i have known for donkeys years. my best friend and I sometimes don't talk to for a couple of months cos were both busy, then we'll meet up again and it will be like we spoke to each other yesterday. What i do know is if i have a serious problem i only need to pick up the phone and he would drop everything and come running to help.

Ignore numbers on FB, i sometimes get friend invites from random people from india or china or africa, if i added all of them i'd prob have 20,000 friends.

To me friends are all about quality, not quantity. Few true friends are more important than 10million randoms :)